Jose A. Villalba

Education: PhD, Counselor Education, University of Florida; EdS, School Counseling and Guidance, University of Florida; MEd, School Counseling and Guidance, University of Florida; BS, Psychology, University of Florida. Research Interests (selected): Elementary school counseling issues, Impacts of health disparities on the school experiences of Latina/o youth, Multicultural counselor education and preparation.

There are 19 included publications by Jose A. Villalba :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Anti-immigration rhetoric in the United States: Veiled racism? 2008 4338 It seems like a day does not go by in the United States without hearing about immigration on televised news broadcasts, print news stories, radio talk shows, or Internet blogs. Immigration, more specifically “illegal immigration,” is a hot topic in t...
Children, adolescents, and isolated traumatic events: Counseling considerations for couples and family counselors 2007 5608 This article presents considerations for marriage and family counselors assisting children and adolescent clients who have witnessed or survived an isolated traumatic event or who have family members who have witnessed or survived an isolated traumat...
A Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy Intervention With Depressed Spanish-Speaking Mexican Women Living in an Emerging Immigrant Community in the United States 2010 5414 This article reports feasibility issues with the implementation of an intervention study for depression in Latina women from Mexico living in an emerging immigrant community in the United States. Based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, the study explores...
Crash: Using a Popular Film as an Experiential Learning Activity in a Multicultural Counseling Course 2008 10829 Crash (P. Haggis, 2004) depicts the intersection of race, ethnicity, religion, and social class in a culturally and politically charged environment. The result is a film that places the viewer in situations that are void of simple right and wrong ...
Culturally responsive school counseling for Hispanic/Latino students and families: The need for bilingual school counselors 2006 22838 Hispanic/Latino students are the largest minority school-age population (Pew Hispanic Center, 2005). In this study, pupil services administrators in Florida identified concerns about Hispanic/Latino children and families and the need for bilingual sc...
Culture-Specific Assets to Consider When Counseling Latina/o Children and Adolescents 2007 3787 Strength-based cultural considerations for counseling Latina/o children and adolescents are not well articulated in the literature. Furthermore, research and demographic data indicate concerns for Latinas/os, such as acculturative stress and discrimi...
Depression in Latinas Residing in Emerging Latino Immigrant Communities in the United States 2009 5346 This study examined the ways in which depression affects immigrant Latina women residing in an emerging Latino immigrant community in the United States. Three Spanish-language focus groups were conducted within a community-based participatory researc...
The effectiveness of wellness-based classroom guidance in elementary school settings: A pilot study 2008 3210 A three-session, wellness-based classroom guidance unit was developed based on the Indivisible Self wellness model and presented to 55 students in 5th grade. Participants completed the Five Factor Wellness Inventory, Elementary School Version, before...
Examining the academic and personal-social experiences of Latina/o children in southeastern U.S. rural, burgeoning Latino communities 2005 2014 Between the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census several Southeastern states, largely void of a permanent Latino population prior to 1990, witnessed significantly large increases in the number of Latina/o residents, particularly in rural communities. This study...
Experiences of Latino children attending rural elementary schools in the southeastern U.S.: Perspectives from Latina/o parents in burgeoning Latino communities 2007 2228 A qualitative study, using focus groups of Latino parents living in a rural Southeastern U.S. community, was conducted to explore the experiences of elementary-school-aged Latino children. Using the consensual qualitative research method to analyze p...
Factors contributing to depression in Latina women of Mexican origin residing in the United States: Implications for nurses. 2008 13201 BACKGROUND: Latinas experience more depression and are less likely to receive mental health support than White women or African American women. OBJECTIVE: This article synthesizes the research on depression in adult Latinas of Mexican origin residing...
Health disparities among Latina/o adolescents in urban and rural schools: Educators' perspectives 2007 2557 This qualitative pilot study examined health disparities among rural and urban Latina/o adolescents from the perspective of middle and high school administrators, counselors, nurses, and teachers. Participants were asked to describe Latina/o health d...
Incorporating wellness into group work in elementary schools 2007 6575 Small group and classroom guidance interventions are commonly used by school counselors to address children's academic and personal-social development. Specifically, counselors in elementary school settings have used group work to help children preve...
Individual and Triadic and group? Supervisors’ and supervisees’ perceptions of each modality. 2012 8025 In this consensual qualitative research study, the authors explored supervisors' (n= 11) and their supervisees' (n= 31) perceptions of individual, triadic, and group supervision sessions during practicum. Data from supervisor individual interviews an...
Mentoring promotion/tenure-seeking faculty: principles of good practice within a counselor education program 2011 3799 Approaches to mentoring junior faculty in counselor education departments have received minimal attention in the counseling literature. In this article, the authors describe a successful program based on the 10 principles for good mentoring recommend...
Promoting Latina/o student achievement and development through the ASCA national model 2007 8883 This article provides a contemporary view of assisting the large and growing Latino student population in K-12 schools, particularly as it relates to current demographic shifts, school reform, and the ASCA National Model[R]. The article highlights co...
Promoting Self-Esteem in Adolescents: The Influence of Wellness Factors. 2011 17232 To assess the extent to which holistic wellness factors are predictive of self-esteem, the authors administered the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventories, School Form (Coopersmith, 2002), and the Five Factor Wellness Inventory (Myers & Sweeney, 2005a) ...
A psychoeducational group for limited-English proficient Latino/Latina children 2003 7882 Latino /Latina children who are considered to be limited–English proficient may be unwilling participants in unique and difficult personal and school-related experiences. The inherent differences in their native culture and language may lead to speci...
School Counselors' Knowledge of Functional Behavioral Assessments 2005 11396 A functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is one of the tools used by school personnel for providing a fair educational experience for students in special education programs. Although several school counselors are expected to participate in school-lev...