Gregg Marland Ph.D.

Dr. Gregg Marland joined the Geology Department in 2011 as an Adjunct Research Professor, and has a dual appointment with the Research Institute for Environment, Energy and Economics. Dr. Marland joins the RIEEE from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he served for over 35 years and since 2000 as Distinguished Research and Development Staff. He has served as a member of the National Research Council Committee on Methods for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions, co-chair of the United State Interagency Carbon Cycle Science Working Group, and National Research Council Committee on Global Change Research. He recently served the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) where he was lead author of Guidelines for National Emissions Inventories (2006), lead on for the Special Report on Carbon Capture and Storage, contributing author on Radiative Forcing of Climate Change for the First Assessment Report, lead author on Energy Primer for the Second Assessment Report, lead author on Land-Use Change and forestry for the Third Assessment Report, and lead author on Special Report on Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. He currently serves as a editorial board of the Environmental Science and Policy Journal and editorial advisory board for the Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change Journal.

There are 16 included publications by Gregg Marland Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Accounting for Carbon Dioxide Emissions: The Context and Stakeholders Matter 2013 549 The article discusses factors that influence accounting for carbon dioxide emissions. The process is said to involve determining the information that would be useful and the accountant's ability to make meaningful measurements. The World Resources In...
Carbon Accounting: Issues of Scale 2014 2771 No abstract Available
Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system 2014 1468 A globally integrated carbon observation and anal-ysis system is needed to improve the fundamental under-standing of the global carbon cycle, to improve our ability to project future changes, and to verify the effectiveness of poli-cies aiming to red...
A Distributed Approach to Accounting for Carbon in Wood Product 2010 977 With an evolving political environment of commitments to limit emissions of greenhouse gases, and of markets to trade in emissions permits, there is growing scientific, political, and economic need to accurately evaluate carbon (C) stocks and flows—e...
GDP: No one metric can rule them all 2014 1621 No abstract available.
The Global Carbon Budget 1959–2011 2014 1516 Accurate assessments of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere is important to better understand the global carbon cycle, support the climate policy process, and pr...
Global carbon budget 2013 2014 3804 Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere is important to better understand the global carbon cycle, support the development of climate policies...
Managing the Cost of Emissions for Durable, Carbon-Containing Products 2011 1532 We recognize that carbon-containing products do not decay and release CO2 to the atmosphere instantaneously, but release that carbon over extended periods of time. For an initial production of a stock of carbon-containing product, we can treat the re...
Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China 2015 1185 no abstract
The role of CO2 emissions from large point sources in emissions totals, responsibility, and policy 2014 2977 A large fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions comes from large point sources such as power plants, petroleum refineries, and large industrial facilities. The existence and locations of these facilities depend on a variety of factors that include th...
A synthesis of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel combustion 2012 943 This synthesis discusses the emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel combustion and cement production. While much is known about these emissions, there is still much that is unknown about the details surrounding these emissions. This synthesis e...
Uncertainty in an Emissions-Constrained World 2014 848 Our study focuses on uncertainty in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissionsfrom anthro-pogenic sources, including land use and land-use change activities.We aim to understand the relevance of diagnostic (retrospective) andprognostic (prospective) uncertainty ...
Uncertainty in Gridded CO2 Emissions Estimates 2016 804 We are interested in the spatial distribution of fossil-fuel-related emissions of CO2 for both geochemical and geopolitical reasons, but it is important to understand the uncertainty that exists in spatially explicit emissions estimates. Working from...
Uncertainty in projecting GHG emissions from bioenergy 2014 1404 The authors discuss the importance of the definition of a constant reference baseline in predicting the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from bioenergy systems. They think that the baseline choice plays an important role in the assessment of GHG emissi...
Valuing uncertainty part I: the impact of uncertainty in GHG accounting 2014 1773 Abstract: Background: It has become increasingly evident in the literature that a correlation needs to be made between uncertainty in GHG emissions estimates and the value of emissions. That is, emissions with larger uncertainty are less desirable th...
Valuing Uncertainty Part II: The Impact of Risk Charges in Dealing with Time Issues in Lifecycle Analysis and GHG Accounting 2014 1622 We have greater certainty for what has happened in the past than for what will happen in the future. Uncertainty on the impact and value of emissions can be very large. Given all of the elements of uncertainty, we are challenged to set global targets...

Odum Institute Dataverse Network :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Uncertainty in Gridded CO2 Emissions Estimates 2016 804 We are interested in the spatial distribution of fossil-fuel-related emissions of CO2 for both geochemical and geopolitical reasons, but it is important to understand the uncertainty that exists in spatially explicit emissions estimates. Working from...