Ana M. Hontanilla

**Area of expertise: 18th- and 19th-century Peninsular literature, European travel narratives, cultural studies, theory of aesthetics, literature and the visual arts, contemporary Spanish culture and film

There are 10 included publications by Ana M. Hontanilla :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Airy and the Irrational: Elaborating on the Meanings of the Petimetra from a Selection of Goya’s Caprichos and the Spanish Periodical El Censor 2008 1498 In the final years of the eighteenth century, a number of Francisco de Goya’s etchings from his collection known as Caprichos visually inscribed the female within the literary production of his time, most evidently perhaps within the satirical public...
Ann L. MacKenzie and Jeremy Robbins, eds.: Bulletin of Spanish Studies. Hesitancy and Experimentation in Enlightenment Spain and Spanish America. Studies on Culture and Theater in Memory of I.L. McClelland 2011 702 This article is a review of Bulletin of Spanish Studies Special Issue. Hesitancy and Experimentation in Enlightenment Spain and Spanish America Studies on Culture and Theater in Memory of I.L. McClelland edited by Ann L. MacKenzie and Jeremy Robbins....
Disección anatómica de la imaginación y de la moda en el sueño satírico 54 de El Censor 2009 0 This article analyzes the way in which a wide range of social prototypes, as portrayed in El Censor's essay number 54 (1781-1783, 1787), embody one of the primary concerns of eighteenth-century intellectuals in Spain: the exposure of errors born from...
El Pensador y el sistema de exclusiones del espacio público ilustrado 2004 1407 El Pensador (1762-1763,1767) es uno de los periódicos madrileños más leídos durante el siglo XVIII, que además continúa en España la moda de publicar semanarios morales al estilo de las populares revistas británicas The Tatler (1709-1711) y The Spect...
Hermafroditismo y anomalía cultural en Mi querida señorita 2006 1668 Mi querida señorita, dirigida por Jaime Armiñán y escrita en colaboración con José Luis Borau, se estrenó en Madrid en 1971. Además de ser un triunfo comercial, la película también fue un éxito de la crítica. En 1971 ganó el Premio Nacional del Sindi...
Images of Barbaric Spain in Eighteenth-Century British Travel Writing 2008 3896 Europe has traditionally been studied as a political, economic and cultural unity that historically developed in connection with the ideas of Christianity, civilization, and empire. After the New World was "discovered," Europe's imperial and civilizi...
Jesús Torrecilla. Guerras literarias del XVIII español. La modernidad como invasion 2010 0 This article is a review of Guerras literarias del XVIII español. La modernidad como invasion by Jesús Torrecilla.
José Antonio de Armona y Murga. Noticias privadas de casa útiles para mis hijos 2013 0 This article is a review of Noticias privadas de casa útiles para mis hijos (1787) by José Antonio de Armona y Murga and edited by Álvarez Barrientos, Joaquín, José María Imízcoz, and Yolanda Aranburuzabala.
Los episodios de Trafalgar y Cádiz en las plumas de Frasquita Larrea y Fernán Caballero 2008 772 This article is a review of Los episodios de Trafalgar y Cádiz en las plumas de Frasquita Larrea y Fernán Caballero edited by Marieta Cantos Casenave.
Sentiment and the Law: Inventing the Category of the Wretched Slave in the Real Audiencia of Santo Domingo, 1783–1812 2015 2859 This essay explores the idea of the “pious humaneness” of the Spanish monarchy as it manifested in the legal and judicial activities of the Real Audiencia of Santo Domingo. In the 1780s, two new imperial policies relating to slavery held the potentia...