Biographer’s Gold: Louise Talma, Thornton Wilder, and Their Opera, The Alcestiad |
2021 |
1051 |
Although maligned through the ages, the art of biography generously bestows normally unavailable insights into the lives of others. Even while based on archival documents, biographies contain the bias of the author. That said, the inevitable inequity... |
Cello Music since 1960: A Bibliography of Solo, Chamber, and Orchestral Works |
1995 |
1932 |
Donald Homuth, cellist and Professor Emeritus of Music at San Jose University, began work on his bibliography of twentieth- century cello music during a sabbatical leave in 1974. Now, twenty years later, his work has come to fruition. The duration... |
Concerto for Solo Cello: One Stringed Instrument Takes Center Stage at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
2004 |
912 |
The largest collection of cello music in the world is located at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's Jackson Library, thanks to the vision and efforts of Elizabeth Cowling (1910-1997), 30-year UNCG cello professor who in 1963 asked the F... |
The Grateful Dead Course @ UNCG: Peace, Love, and Library Collaborations [poster] |
2019 |
389 |
Poster presented at the NCLA Biennial Conference in Winston-Salem, NC in October 2019 and the Virginia Library Association Conference in Norfolk, VA in October 2019. |
Janácek’s ‘Cunning Little Vixen |
1996 |
2399 |
The composer Leos Janácek was purely and proudly a product of his unique world. He was wholly Moravian; his life and his music point to this cultural origin. Janácek's love of his homeland was not only a political one, but also involved a deep apprec... |
Librarians as Sustainability Advocates, Educators and Entrepreneurs |
2012 |
948 |
Sustainability is a hot topic these days. Demand for professionals and scholars who are knowledgeable about sustainability topics is growing exponentially. As with any nascent multidisciplinary subject area, sustainability students, scholars and prof... |
Louise Talma: A Life in Composition [book review] |
2015 |
341 |
Louise Talma: A Life in Composition. By Kendra Preston Leonard. Farnham, Surrey, Eng.: Ashgate, 2014. [xii, 263 p. ISBN 9781472416438 (hardcover); ISBN 9781472416445, 9781472416452 (e-book), $109.95.] Music examples, appendix, bibliography, discograp... |
Managing the Academic Library Through Teamwork: A Case Study |
1993 |
5149 |
If necessity is the mother of Invention, then perhaps desperation might be Inspiration’s father. How many useful innovations that seem to others like bright and shiny new ideas are created as the result of a last-ditch attempt to fix a part of the wo... |
Sarah, Anna and Louise– What No Thelma?: Discovering Louise Talma and Her Shorter Piano Works |
2008 |
3844 |
This is an adaptation of a presentation given at the SEMLA meeting in Columbus, GA, in October of 2006. After a brief description of her six-month sabbatical at the Library of Congress, Music Librarian Sarah Dorsey (UNC Greensboro) outlines the life ... |
Sustaining the World While Embedded: Ten Years of Information Literacy Inside a World Music Class [poster] |
2020 |
158 |
Poster presented at the Southeast Music Library Association chapter meeting October 16, 2020. |
Talma, Louise |
2013 |
459 |
Talma, Louise (b Arcachon, France, 31 Oct 1906; d Saratoga Springs, NY, 13 Aug 1996). Composer and pianist of French birth. She studied at the Institute of Musical Art, New York (1922-30); at the Fontainebleau School of Music (summers 1926-39), where... |
Transforming the creative process through research: Library interventions for the creative disciplines [slides] |
2021 |
222 |
Slides from a presentation given May 6, 2021 at the ACRL-NC and CJCLS Biennial Conference, online. |