Nancy A. Myers

Dr. Myers specializes in rhetoric and composition studies with an emphasis on the history of the discipline and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in composition, linguistics, and rhetorical history and theory. In addition to her current duties as Director of Composition, she previously served four years as the Director of Graduate Studies in English and four as the Director of English Education. She was President of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History or Rhetoric and Composition during 2010-2012. Awards and Honors: • Appointed as Regular Program Faculty for UNCG Women’s & Gender Studies Program, 2011 • Nominated for UNCG College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Award, 2007-2008 • BRIDGES: Academic Leadership for Women, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004 • UNCG Alumni Teaching Excellence Award, 2002

There are 6 included publications by Nancy A. Myers :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Acting On or Acting With: Academe's Promotion of Exclusionary Participation in the Virtual Sphere 2001 696 The scenarios above illustrate the kinds of computer-aided instruction that I have witnessed across my campus over the last year. Each scenario highlights the benefits and limitations such teaching with technology holds for our students. The first th...
B 2003 899 I hit the top of the third flight of stairs, veered right down the hall, trying not to slip on the freshly waxed tiled floor in my 2-inch heels. The door was open, so I knew I wasn't late—yet. Bad form to be late on the first day of a graduate semina...
Cicero’s (S)Trumpet: Roman Women and the Second Philippic 2003 7874 Focusing on the references to women and the feminine in The Second Philippic Against Antony, I argue that Cicero‘s female allusions open up a rhetorical space that exposes the subtle tensions within the Roman social dynamic of men and women. This his...
Review of Situating Composition: Composition Studies and the Politics of Location, by Lisa Ede 2006 1469 I have always been fascinated by the triptychs of the Middle Ages, such as Bernardo Daddi’s “Triptych: Madonna, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Saint Paul.” Triptychs are three panels usually hinged together that tell three stories and one. The center pane...
Review: From Empathy to Denial: Arab Response to the Holocaust, Meir Litvak and Esther Webman Post-Zionism, Post-Holocaust: Three Essays on Denial, Forgetting, and the Delegitimation of Israel, Elhanan Yakira 2010 1534 Following historian Deborah Lipstadt's 2000 victory over David Irving in a monumental libel lawsuit, Lipstadt declared that the Holocaust would henceforth reign uncontested as historical fact. Yet within the last five years Holocaust denial has grown...
Review: Walking and Talking Feminist Rhetorics: Landmark Essays and Controversies, edited by Lindal Buchanan and Kathleen J. Ryan. West Lafayette: Parlor, 2010. 483 pp. 2011 1741 When I read a draft of the introduction to Walking and Talking Feminist Rhetorics: Landmark Essays and Controversies last summer, I was eager to see the collection in print. The draft introduction suggested an anthology of scholarly abundance and pos...