Adding purpose and value to organizational memberships: A case study of Business Librarianship in North Carolina (BLINC) |
2020 |
923 |
BLINC stands for Business Librarianship in North Carolina. Fourteen public, special, and academic librarians created this group in 2003. In that year, BLINC began its tradition of hosting workshops every three months across the state. Each workshop i... |
Beyond the budget: Creative alternate funding options for library subscriptions |
2023 |
95 |
This paper is based on part of the “Two lively discussions in one room: Forecasting for uncertain futures; creative alternate funding options for library subscriptions” session at the 2022 Charleston Conference and addresses alternative funding optio... |
Business and Open Education: Navigating OER in a Complex Information Environment |
2023 |
72 |
Open educational resources (OERs) are teaching and learning materials that are free of cost and access barriers, and which also carry legal permission for open use.[1] OER enables faculty to replace costly textbooks and supplemental materials, if the... |
Cannabis entrepreneurship: A guide to core concepts, resources, and research strategies |
2022 |
1545 |
The cannabis industry is a complex set of industries involving consumer, medical, and industrial products and services. NAICS classification and government data usually provide limited value to North American researchers supporting cannabis entrepren... |
Challenging Promotion and Tenure Traditions in Academic Libraries |
2021 |
510 |
The status of librarians as faculty in academia continues to evolve. There are many campus models for library faculty with variations on rank, promotion and tenure guidelines; expectations for scholarship and service; and level of participation in fa... |
Creating the Entrepreneurship & Libraries Conference 2020: A collaboration of public, special, and academic librarians, vendors, and economic development stakeholders |
2021 |
217 |
Despite the increasing importance to libraries of supporting entrepreneurship and economic development, professional development opportunities on those topics have been rare. Also rare are opportunities for public, special, and academic librarians pl... |
Enhancing Governmentally Sponsored Export Promotions Through Better Segmentation of the Market of a State's Manufacturing Concerns |
2009 |
2379 |
This article presents methodology for identifying product categories that, if they were made the subjects of a specified state's export promotions, would hold promise for satisfying relevant needs of members of three key “stakeholder” groups regardin... |
Export Odyssey: Taking Local Firms Global |
2018 |
315 |
For the past three decades, companies in Greensboro, North Carolina, that want to export products overseas have had a valuable resource to turn to—students at the University of North Carolina’s Bryan School of Business and Economics. In Export Odysse... |
Final Report of the Liaison Collections Responsibilities Task Force |
2012 |
2040 |
This is a report from UNCG University Libraries’ Liaison Collection Responsibilities Task Force on the liaison organizational model and collection development. |
GCEC: Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers 2017 |
2018 |
227 |
Founded in 1997 as the National Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers with the mission of serving as the “premier leadership organization addressing the emerging topics of importance to the nation’s university-based centers for entrepreneurship,” th... |
Great Expectations: New Organizational Models for Overworked Liaisons Based on the UNCG Libraries Liaison Collections Responsibilities Task Force |
2012 |
2542 |
Liaisons (subject specialists) keep getting busier. Research instruction, embedding in classes, outreach,
collection development, weeding, assessing teaching and collections, promoting scholarly communication
issues, and creating online learning ob... |
Increasing Research Quality in Entrepreneurial Students: Best Practices in Faculty-Librarian Partnerships |
2017 |
939 |
Faculty who adopt best practices in supporting student research in entrepreneurship classes not only receive better student projects; they model the kind of information behavior that is crucial to business success. Requiring students to use the best ... |
The Invisible Industry: Resources for Supporting Cannabis Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneurship & Libraries Conference 2021) |
2021 |
805 |
Column introduction: Business librarians need to be nimble to discover and document new industries and services that our students are seeking. While we have focused historically on new innovations (location-based services, fintech, etc.), an equally ... |
Leading from below: Influencing vendors and collection budget decisions as a subject liaison |
2019 |
191 |
Subject liaisons are responsible to their facility and students for subject-specific research tools funded by the library, but most subject liaisons don’t make the final decisions on subscriptions and other big-ticket items. How can we make effective... |
Liaison and Functional Team Structure Review Task Force Report, 2017-2018 |
2018 |
829 |
The Liaison Team Structure Review Task Force was convened in the 2017 fall semester, with the purpose of examining the liaison functional and subject team structure implemented in 2013-14 to determine how well it is functioning and what changes shoul... |
Liaison Roles |
2015 |
796 |
The roles of library liaisons (subject specialists assigned to academic disciplines) continue to evolve. This document describes both ongoing and new roles in order to assist with planning, evaluation, assessment, and recruitment. Best practices for ... |
Mentoring Teaching Librarians: A Discussion Of Possibilities, Pitfalls, And Best Practices In Supporting New Instruction Colleagues In Your Library |
2022 |
136 |
How do librarians learn to teach? Most people studying to be teachers spend years studyingcontent and pedagogy and developing relationships with other teachers. Then they engage instudent teaching before graduating and getting a job in a school.Howev... |
On the Road but Where Are We Going? Insights, Predictions, and Questions from Four Liaisons Serving Business, Data, and Social Sciences |
2021 |
139 |
What will be the long-term impact of the pandemic on academic liaison work? Four liaisons forbusiness, data, and social sciences from four different campuses describe issues they are facingand try to predict the future. |
Q/A on Teaching Credit Classes for Entrepreneurship Research |
2015 |
992 |
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the question and answer (Q/A) to provide an opportunity for two seasoned academic business librarians to share their experiences with courses in entrepreneurship in their universities. Design/methodolo... |
Relationships and Ethics of Co-Teaching Research Intensive Classes |
2013 |
1737 |
This chapter explores aspects of librarians co-teaching research-intensive undergraduate classes. An opening review of the rather limited literature on embedded librarians in research-intensive classes will lead into a description of such work with t... |
Researching Opportunities in Entrepreneurship & Economic Development |
2014 |
161 |
Students will learn how to conduct the research necessary to make informed decisions for an entrepreneurial venture and how to measure and assess economic development opportunities. No business research experience necessary. |
The Status of Librarians on Campus: Challenging our Own Promotion and Tenure Tradition |
2021 |
134 |
The status of librarians as faculty in academia continues to evolve. There are many campus models for library faculty with variations on rank, promotion and tenure guidelines, expectations for scholarship and service, and level of participation in fa... |
Teaching and Researching Entrepreneurship: the Small Business Institute 2016 [conference review] |
2016 |
170 |
The Small Business Institute (SBI) held its 40th anniversary conference in New Orleans in February. According to its constitution, the mission of SBI “is to be the premier provider of professional development for those engaged in experiential student... |
Teaching consumer market segmentation through brainstorming demographic and psychographic variables |
2022 |
369 |
In many kinds of research projects—entrepreneurship, marketing, public policy, and other social sciences—students need to segment a population and then measure those segments. This common research need provides a wonderful opportunity for a librarian... |
UNCG University Libraries' Support of High Impact Practices. |
2013 |
2255 |
This report addresses the University Libraries’ significant role in participating in the high impact initiatives identified by the AAC&U’s LEAP Report and adopted by UNCG in its Strategic Plan 2009-14. These practices are proven to positively impact ... |
USASBE: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 2017 [conference review] |
2017 |
225 |
The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) bills itself as the “largest independent, professional, academic organization in the world dedicated to advancing the discipline of entrepreneurship.” USASBE has about 1,0... |
What librarians say they want from their professional associations: A survey of business librarians |
2020 |
1422 |
Library organizations exist to provide professional development, networking, and service and presentation opportunities to librarians. Yet membership in many library organizations is declining. A survey of business librarians from all types of librar... |