Answers to Health Questions: Internet Search results Versus Online Health Community Responses |
2016 |
112 |
Background: About 6 million people search for health information on the Internet each day in the United States. Both patients and caregivers search for information about prescribed courses of treatments, unanswered questions after a visit to their pr... |
Birthplace, Culture, Self-Esteem, and Intimate Partner Violence Among Community-Dwelling Hispanic Women |
2013 |
105 |
The purpose of this study was to explore variations in demographics, culture, self-esteem, and intimate partner violence among Hispanic women according to birthplace, and to identify factors associated with these differences in intimate partner viole... |
Building Resilience, Health, and Wellness for Undergraduate Nursing Students Beyond Title IX and Early Alert Programs |
2019 |
128 |
Manifestations of stress have serious consequences for nursing professionals beginning withnursing students. [1, 2] One source of stress for baccalaureate nursing students is inappropriatepatient sexual behavior (IPSB). [3, 4] Baccalaureate nursing p... |
Cultural Phenomena and the Syndemic Factor: Substance Abuse, Violence, HIV and Depression Among Hispanic Women |
2013 |
145 |
Researchers exploring the health of Hispanics in South Florida utilizing a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods have identified that substance abuse, violence, risky sexual behavior, and depression are not only conceptualized ... |
Expanding the Mind–Body–Environment Connection to Enhance the Development of Cultural Humility |
2022 |
135 |
The unique health care needs of diverse individuals and communities are complex. To meet theseneeds, healthcare professionals are being called upon to alter traditional ways of thinking,perceiving, and acting in order to create more inclusive environ... |
Factors Associated with Black & Latina Women Meeting the US Federal Physical Activity Guidelines: Secondary Analysis of NHIS Data |
2019 |
116 |
Background: Not meeting physical activity guidelines is a major public health concern. Studies show that Black and Latina women have general lower levels of physical activity (PA) than White women and are therefore at higher risk for chronic diseases... |
“Girls on the Move” intervention protocol for increasing physical activity among low-active underserved urban girls: a group randomized trial |
2013 |
103 |
Background Increasing moderate to vigorous physical activity among urban girls of lowsocioeconomic status is both a challenge and a public health priority. Physical activityinterventions targeting exclusively girls remain limited, and maintenance of ... |
Group Nature-Based Mindfulness Interventions: Nature-Based Mindfulness Training for College Students with Anxiety |
2023 |
349 |
The mental health crisis across college campuses is accelerating, with anxiety listed as the top mental health issue for undergraduate college students. Although evidence suggests the COVID-19 pandemic escalated the mental health crisis on college ca... |
Health Policy Engagement Among Graduate Nursing Students in the United States |
2018 |
125 |
Aim The aim was to understand how health policy education is currently being delivered in the United States’ graduate nursing programs.Methods This exploratory cross-sectional design used an anonymous online survey to target graduate nursing students... |
Inappropriate Patient Sexual Behavior in Nursing Education |
2019 |
366 |
Nurses and other health care workers are often exposed to inappropriate patient sexual behavior (IPSB). Johnson and colleagues define IPSB as any “verbal or physical act of an explicit, or perceived sexual nature which is unacceptable within the soci... |
Integrative Wellness Approaches to Mitigate Perceived Stress, Increase Vitality, and Build Community during COVID-19: A Pilot Study |
2022 |
141 |
Introduction: In January 2020, a small, private school of nursing in a university in the pacificnorthwest, established the Initiative for Vital Practice (I4VP). The I4VP’s primary goal was tocreate a sustainable pathway for increasing vital practice ... |
Interventions to Reduce Perceived Stress Among Graduate Students: A Systematic Review with Implications for Evidence-based Practice |
2017 |
1554 |
Background Stress is a part of daily life for graduate students, including graduate nursing students. Contemporary graduate nursing students are facing unprecedented challenges to meet rigorous academic standards as they prepare for their advanced pr... |
Mindfulness and Shinrin-yoku: Potential for Physiological and Psychological Interventions During Uncertain Times |
2020 |
509 |
Mindfulness and Shinrin-yoku (SY) translated as forest bathing, is potentially effective to alleviatemental health issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The purpose of this article isto provide a translational and pragmatic approach to ... |
Motivation, Management, and Mastery: A Theory of Resilience in the Context of HIV Infection |
2013 |
95 |
BACKGROUND: Clients with HIV infection have been conceptualized as a resilient population. Although a few researchers have documented resilience among clients with HIV infection, a theory of resilience in the context of HIV infection has not been dev... |
Nature-Based Feasibility Intervention to Influence Mitigation Strategies for Perceived Stress |
2022 |
479 |
Burnout, compassion fatigue, and perceived stress among undergraduate nursing students aresignificant factors leading to a poorer quality of life, decreased job satisfaction, and adverselyimpact patient outcomes. Burnout among undergraduate nursing s... |
Nature-Based Interventions and Exposure among Cancer Survivors: A Scoping Review |
2023 |
492 |
Background and purpose: nature-based interventions (NBI) have been shown to have positiveeffects on physical, psychological, social, and spiritual health. The purpose of this scopingliterature review was to describe what is known regarding the cancer... |
New Advances on Wellness Therapies Using Integrated Health Focusing on Nature |
2022 |
522 |
The purpose of this Special Issue is to provide you, the reader, with an overview of newadvancements in wellness therapies using integrative health focusing on nature. Nature isinherently variable, and as such, we the editors do not ascribe to a sing... |
Nursing Students and the Human Body: Application of an Ethics Pilot Project |
2022 |
464 |
This manuscript offers findings from a pilot project which prepares nursing students for embodiedprofessional practice through the lens of ethics. Four undergraduate nursing students werementored by two nursing faculty in the Dundon-Berchtold Institu... |
Physical Activity and Acculturation Among U.S. Latinas of Child-bearing Age |
2013 |
459 |
The majority of Latinas of childbearing age is not sufficiently active; a significant health disparity, and is at risk for deleterious health consequences. The study’s objectives were to explore acculturation and associated factors’ effect on engagem... |
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in People with Spinal Cord Injury: Mitigation Strategies During COVID-19 on Behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT |
2021 |
94 |
People with spinal cord injury (SCI) face unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, including greater risk of poor COVID-19-related outcomes, increased social isolation, and restricted access to important services. Furthermore, COVID-19 related... |
Piloting the Perfect Storm: A Vision for the Vital Practitioner |
2021 |
525 |
Background: A private university nursing program established the Initiative for Vital Practice in response to increasing levels of compassion fatigue (CF) and burnout among faculty and staff during an undergraduate program revision and accompanying l... |
Post Pandemic Research Priorities: A Consensus Statement from the Healthy Living for Pandemic Event Protection (HL-PIVOT) |
2022 |
522 |
We have been amid unhealthy living and related chronic disease pandemics for several decades.These longstanding crises have troublingly synergized with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The need to establish research priorities in res... |
Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Among Hispanic Women in South Florida |
2013 |
478 |
U.S. Hispanics, especially women, experience a disproportionate amount of disease burden for depression. This disparity among Hispanic women necessitates examination of factors associated with depression. The objective of this study was to use an ada... |
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic: With hindsight what lessons can we learn? |
2023 |
160 |
The purpose of this paper is to put forward some evidence-based lessons that can be learned fromhow to respond to a Pandemic that relate to healthy living behaviours (HLB). A 4-stepmethodology was followed to conduct a narrative review of the literat... |
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Identify Predictors of Sexual Behaviors Among Hispanic Men Who Have Sex with Men |
2011 |
82 |
Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at an increased risk of contracting HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) because of participation in high-risk sexual behaviors.1 High-risk sexual behaviors include sexual activity without... |