Mr Michael Alewine

Michael Alewine, has worked in higher education for more than 10 years. He holds a Master of Library Science (M.L.S.) degree from North Carolina Central University and a Master of Science (M.S.) in Instructional Technology degree from East Carolina University.

There are 8 included publications by Mr Michael Alewine :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Flexibility, Variety, and Quality in Teacher Education 2007 1043 This article discusses how the University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP) offers a variety of teacher education programs that are designed to attract high quality students. It also discusses how flexibility in admissions, program and scheduling ...
Library Keeping Pace: Online, Media-Rich, and Interactive! 2007 1060 Have you had a look around the Library's website lately? If so, you will have noticed some really cool resources that we have created to help people learn about the Library and what it has to offer. Included are podcasts, online tutorials, interactiv...
Listen to What They Have to Say! Assessing Distance Learners' Satisfaction with Library Services 2012 0 This paper examines the evolution and findings of an on-going longitudinal study that is assessing the satisfaction of distance education students with library reference services through the use of a transaction-level survey. The survey's purpose is ...
Reference Templates for Distance Education Students 2013 1036 Reference Templates for Distance Education Students outlines the use of templates by Alewine and Arndt to provide reference services to distance education students. Distance education students are defined as students who are enrolled at off-campus lo...
Tim Van Hooser 2009 4930 If you work long enough anywhere, you will see people come and go, and it seems such a natural and organic process. But this is so very different. On April 19, 2009, we received the call that our friend and colleague, Timothy Lee "Tim" Van Hooser, ha...
Using the ARCS Model for Motivational Design to Engage Students in the Information Literacy Classroom 2013 1571 This presentation presented John M. Keller’s ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) Model of Motivational Design and covered specific strategies that can be used in both face-to-face and online learning environments to motivate stu...
Using Clickers to Increase Information Literacy Outcomes in the Classroom 2010 776 Commonly referred to as CRS (classroom response systems), clickers are innovative, interactive tools that have become increasingly popular on university campuses in the last five years. Many different CRS products are available, but the concept under...
Working together: Building an Online Orientation 2008 1346 This session discussed how the Office of Distance Education and the Mary Livermore Library collaborated to create an online orientation for UNCP's distance education programs. In addition to sharing the history and related issues of the project, the ...