Air Passenger Demand and Skilled Labor Markets by U.S. Metropolitan Area |
2007 |
2491 |
This paper examines the relationships that exist between skilled labor markets and air transportation by US metropolitan area. The goal is to enhance the current literature by conducting a more specific investigation of the links that exist between a... |
Air Transportation and Urban-Economic Restructuring: Competitive Advantage in the U.S. Carolinas |
1999 |
2386 |
The theoretical agenda of this paper is to bring airports and airline operations more squarely into the mainstream of the urban and regional development literature. The paper examines the spatial and temporal patterns of air passenger flows by airpor... |
Airport Runway Slots: Limits to Growth |
2002 |
3561 |
The United States–European Union market accounts for approximately 25% of all international tourist arrivals worldwide, and is arguably the busiest market in the world. This paper argues that landing slot policy and the manner in which airport capaci... |
The Geography of Air Freight: Connections to U.S. Metropolitan Economies |
2011 |
5204 |
Despite the rapid growth of air freight shipments, much of the existing literature on the geography of air transportation has paid more attention to passenger travel than air freight. The purpose of this paper is to elevate our understanding of air f... |
The Geography of Air Passenger Volume and Local Employment Patterns by U.S. Metropolitan Core Area: 1973-1996 |
2001 |
2834 |
The purpose of this paper is to determine if a statistically significant relationship exists between administrative and auxiliary employment levels and air passenger volume for the top 50 urban-airport complexes in the United States from 1973 to 1996... |
The Geography of Logistics |
2008 |
1903 |
At the end of the 19th century, the Triad's strategic location as a railroad hub helped trigger the growth of the region's textile industry. Today, as we experience another major economic transformation, our region's roads, rails and runways have onc... |
Industry Knowledge Sources and the Role of Universities |
1992 |
2384 |
In recent years, rapid growth has occurred in both the number and diversity of university-industry programs in the United States. While little comprehensive assessment of these programs exists to date, this paper argues that a systematic empirical an... |
Leveraging the Future Foothills: Asset Mapping the North Carolina Furniture Industry Cluster |
2010 |
6098 |
North Carolina features the second largest furniture industry by state in the nation,
despite a decline in the state’s furniture manufacturing jobs by more than 50% from
2001to 2009 . Previous studies of the North Carolina furniture industry sugges... |
Locational Determinants of Major U.S. Air Passenger Markets by Metropolitan Area |
2006 |
2771 |
The paper examines the influence of metropolitan characteristics in determining the locations of major air traffic markets in the US. In general, the likelihood of a major air passenger market locating in any given metropolitan area is primarily dete... |
Long Term Socio-Demographic Challenges Facing the Greater Greensboro Area: New Opportunities |
2008 |
2117 |
Our community faces several socio-demographic challenges that have the
potential to significantly impact the Greater Greensboro area. These social trends
are especially related to broad demographic shifts in the population (e.g., age,
ethnic compo... |
Renewable Energy in North Carolina: The Potential Supply Chain and Connections to Existing Renewable and Energy Efficient Firms |
2010 |
1590 |
Although our understanding of industry cluster
dynamics is fairly well developed, it is less clear
whether renewable energy firms and related potential
suppliers co-locate in similar ways to other
more established industries. Consequently, this
... |
Spatial Behavior in a Bahamian Resort |
1991 |
4293 |
The purpose of this study is to understand better the spatial behavior of tourists visiting spatially confined resort destinations. Based on a time-budget study of the intradestination travel patterns of 795 tourists visiting Paradise Island (Bahamas... |
Spatial Patterns of Visitor Behavior: A Case Study of the North Carolina Zoological Park |
1990 |
1860 |
This paper explains the spatial patterns
of visitor behavior at the North
Carolina Zoological Park (NCZP). The
NCZP is one of the top ten tourist attractions
in the state, but it is unclear
what factors influence each individual 's
decision to ... |
Spatial Variation in Tourism: An Industrial View |
1993 |
1382 |
This paper attempts to empirically
document the spatial variations in employment
and revenue for selected businesses
in the tourism industries of 20
states under study. Employment and
revenue figures were classified by US
Census SIC codes, and ... |
Study of Visitors to North Carolina Wineries |
2012 |
1722 |
The wine and grape industry generates a significant economic impact in North Carolina’s rural
communities. In 2009 the wine and grape industry generated 7,600 jobs and $1.2 billion in total annual
economic impact in the state. Particularly notewort... |
Wealth Generation in Metropolitan America: FIRE as Savior? |
1998 |
846 |
The current restructuring of the American
economy from goods producing industry
to service providing industry has
been a focus of concern for many social
scientists. While some argue in favor of
the rapidly expanding service sector,
pointing ou... |
Where are the Geographers? Newly Incorporated Municipalities (NIMs) in the South |
2006 |
1698 |
The creation of new cities can have dramatic
impacts on urban landscapes regarding
tax rates, land use patterns, school districts,
and the provision of other municipal services.
Between 1990 and 2005, 193 newly incorporated
municipalities (NIMs)... |