Susan Weinberg

Since receiving her M.F.A. in fiction at Cornell University in 1985, Susan Weinberg has published short stories and memoirs in journals including GETTYSBURG REVIEW, THIRD COAST, OTHER VOICES, GARGOYLE, and Ohio State's THE JOURNAL, and in the collection VOICES FROM HOME: The North Carolina Prose Anthology. From 1989 to 1994, she was a Stegner Fellow and Jones Lecturer in fiction at Stanford University; since that time she has co-directed the undergraduate creative writing program and Hughlene Bostian Frank Visiting Writers Series at Appalachian State University. Awards include the 2008 Linda Flowers Award from the North Carolina Humanities Council, a Blumenthal Writers and Readers Award, and a finalist award for a novel manuscript in the Novello Festival Novel Competition. In July 2002 her revision and expansion of the sixth edition of Janet Burroway's widely used textbook WRITING FICTION was published by Longman Publishing.

There are 1 included publications by Susan Weinberg :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
"If You See Something" 2022 85 In the past, I have written memoir and creative nonfiction about foster parenting, guardianship of traumatized teens, and addiction. I am currently working on an extended essay (I estimate 50-60 pages when complete) titled "If You See Something," whi...