Dr. Dennis J. Edgell

There are 4 included publications by Dr. Dennis J. Edgell :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Art, Allegory and Geographic Education: Cultural and Meteorological Lessons from the Sky Deities of Japan 2019 328 Folklore and mythology are not proper history or science fact, however there is a reasonable basis for why regional culture myths persist. Japan’s Shinto religion holds Raijin as a god of lightning storms, and Fujin as a god of windstorms and tornado...
Blogging through the “GEOG-ing” A Syllabus Transformation of GGY 3720: North America 2019 206 It had been years since I taught the Geography of North America course. Usually only Geo-majors take the course as a requirement. I knew that the course would be low enrollment. Furthermore, I did not want to build another standard lecture course. (i...
Meteorology and Myth Part II: A Fair Candlemas 2019 142 This is a PDF file version of an original PowerPoint delivered at the Southeastern Association of American Geographers (SEDAAG) Annual Conference held in Wilmington, NC November 2019. These PDF files are images only, there is no sound, narration or ...
Meteorology and Myth: The Thunderstorm and Tornado Deities of Japan 2019 606 Folklore and mythology are not to be interpreted as proper history or science fact. There may be scientific reasons why the narrative themes in Japanese folklore persist. Raijin is the god of thunder and lightning, and Fujin is a god of windstorms an...