Lauren Haldeman

**Education: - Ph.D, Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut, 2001--M.S., Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut, 1998--B.S., Resource Development, University of Rhode Island, 1994 **Research Interest: Among low income, minority groups: - Design theory-based nutrition interventions. - Assess family approaches for decreasing rates of diet related chronic diseases - Examine food access, health beliefs, attitudes, barriers and dietary quality.

There are 8 included publications by Lauren Haldeman :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Active Living in the Trucking Sector: Environmental Barriers and Health Promotion Strategies. 2012 3386 Background: As one of the most underserved segments of the U.S. labor force, truck drivers have been associated with a series of morbid conditions intimately linked to their occupational milieux, their mostly unhealthful nutritional intake and sede...
Barriers to truck drivers’ healthy eating: Environmental influences and health promotion strategies. 2011 7999 This article presents an assessment of 25 trucking work settings designed to examine whether the environmental attributes of these settings influence eating patterns of truckers who are at risk for excess weight gain. Findings corroborate evidence th...
Changes in meal participation, attendance, and test scores associated with the availability of universal free school breakfasts. 2013 5555 This study investigates student outcomes associated with changes in the availability of universal free breakfasts at elementary schools in the Guilford County Schools ðGCSÞ in North Carolina. In 2007–8, the GCS offered universal free breakfasts in...
Cultural adaptation resources for nutrition and health in new immigrants in Central North Carolina. 2007 3812 This paper presents results of a study that was conducted for the purposes of describing available human services resources relating to nutrition, physical health, and behavioral health for new and recent immigrants (predominantly Mexican immigrants,...
Determinants of food security and diet among rural and urban Latino/Hispanic. 2007 1859 Rural migration and food insecurity of Latino immigrants is high. The goal of this study was to examine food insecurity among Latino immigrants in a rural region (N?=?119) in comparison to urban Latinos (N?=?166). The objectives were to examine, iden...
Hypertension in Low-Income Adolescents 2017 1209 Disadvantaged adolescents are at higher risk for undiagnosed and untreated obesity and hypertension. Using nurse-measured weight, height, and blood pressure (BP) as well as self-reported age and activity/lifestyle behaviors, we assessed the prevalenc...
Risk Factors in Adolescent Hypertension 2016 1099 Hypertension is a complex and multifaceted disease, with many contributing factors. While diet and nutrition are important influences, the confounding effects of overweight and obesity, metabolic and genetic factors, racial and ethnic predispositions...
Using the Family to Combat Childhood and Adult Obesity 2009 1881 The purpose of this article is to emphasize the value of the family as a source of behavior change, particularly with respect to attaining achievable goals of weight loss and regular physical activity for youth and their families. We present a review...