Elizabeth W. Lindsey

**Research and practice interests: family and youth homelessness; evaluation of social services training programs.

There are 28 included publications by Elizabeth W. Lindsey :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Assessing social agency functions: A model 1986 1629 The assessment of general agency functions is the focus of this manuscript. Initially inventories that may be utilized in the assessment of the relevance and quality of services provided are reviewed. Next, cost benefit analysis is addressed in terms...
Evaluating interpersonal skills training for public welfare staff. 1987 2350 A week long in-service training session focussed on improving interpersonal helping skills for 116 public welfare staff. The programme was evaluated to assess changes in participants knowledge, skill mastery, and self-perceptions. Results indicate st...
Evaluation of a School—Juvenile Court Team Approach to Delinquency Prevention 1987 1057 The School-Juvenile Court Liaison Project was designed to assist schools and courts in working cooperatively to intervene in and prevent delinquency. Results of the evaluation indicate increased communication and joint service planning between the sy...
Feminist Issues in Qualitative Research With Formerly Homeless Mothers 1997 6297 The article describes the author's attempts to incorporate feminist principles into a qualitative study of the process of successful restabilization among formerly homeless mother-headed families. It discusses methods for dealing with such issues as ...
Foster Family Characteristics and Behavioral and Emotional Problems of Foster Children: Practice Implications for Child Welfare, Family Life Education, and Marriage and Family Therapy 2001 4962 Orme and Buehler's article, “Foster Family Characteristics and Behavioral and Emotional Problems of Foster Children: A Narrative Review,” is an important and timely contribution to the child welfare literature. Foster care placement has been increasi...
From Trauma to Resiliency: Lessons from Former Runaway and Homeless Youth 2001 3927 This exploratory study presents findings on resiliency development in five former runaway and homeless youth. Subjected to chronic trauma, this unique population lacked the protective factors other studies have associated with resiliency development....
Homeless women’s experiences of social support from service providers 2013 2655 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine homeless women's interactions with service providers and the degree to which these interactions are perceived as social support.Design/methodology/approach – Using a phenomenological approach, in-dept...
How Runaway and Homeless Youth Navigate Troubled Waters: Personal Strengths and Resources 2000 4969 Little attention has been paid to how runaway or homeless adolescents are able to make successful transitions into adulthood. This article reports on partial findings from an exploratory study of the research question, “How do formerly runaway and ho...
How Runaway and Homeless Youth Navigate Troubled Waters: The Role of Formal and Informal Helpers 2000 3300 Most adolescents navigate the transition from adolescence to young adulthood with relative success. However, runaway and homeless youth experience formidable obstacles in their paths and engage in dangerous behaviors that threaten their well being an...
The Impact of Homelessness and Shelter Life on Family Relationships 1998 21015 This study explored mothers' perceptions of how homelessness and shelter life affected family relationships. Participants re-ported increased closeness and heightened quality and quantity of interaction with their children, but a disruption in their ...
Intergenerational Effects of Parental Personality and Relationship Traits on Mate Choice Among Gay Male and Lesbian Offspring 2005 4453 Data from 33 lesbian and 54 gay male cohabiting couples were used to examine the relation between parental identification and mate selection. Theories of mate selection and parental identification are reviewed. Effects of gender and sexual orientatio...
A Locality Development Approach to Delinquency Prevention in Rural Areas 1987 9428 A delinquency prevention partnership was forged between a school of social work and five rural communities. Using a locality development approach, local teams were formed and empowered to set goals in three areas: to develop more cooperative working ...
Mothers' perceptions of factors influencing the restabilization of homeless families 1996 1168 Family homelessness has increased dramatically in the past decade, but little attention has been focused on the process by which homeless families become restabilized. The author presents findings from a qualitative study of the restabilization proce...
The North Carolina Independent Living Program: A Comparison of Outcomes for Participants and Nonparticipants 1999 4579 Effectiveness of a state independent living program (ILP) was evaluated by comparing outcomes for program participants and nonparticipants in four core areas: housing, education, employment, and financial self-sufficiency. One to three years after di...
The Process of Restabilization for Mother-Headed Homeless Families: How Social Workers Can Help 1997 2951 Although homelessness among mother-headed families has been increasing steadily in recent years, little is known about how such families successfully emerge from homelessness. This study addresses this gap by exploring the process by which mother-hea...
Promising research and methodological approaches for health behavior research with homeless persons 2014 959 High-risk health behaviors have high prevalence among homeless persons prompting substantial research on health behavior and behavior change strategies within the population. Previously, much of this research focused solely on the target behavior wit...
Quality Control and Error Reduction in the AFDC Program: A Review and Synthesis of State Strategies 1989 1210 In the early 1970s, because of rising costs for the AFDC program, increasing caseloads, and public demands for eliminating welfare fraud, the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now the Department of Health and Human Services) ...
Reagan's AFDC Policy Changes: The Georgia Experience 1986 298 The authors present a study of 207 employed AFDC recipients whose benefits were terminated or reduced by 1981 federal policy changes. Findings report respondents' source of income, household characteristics, employment history, expense patterns, chil...
School Mental Health Programs: A review of evaluation efforts 1979 1983 In order to assess the effectiveness of preventive mental health programs in school settings, a review of the literature on evaluation of school mental health programs was done. Numerous prevention activities have been implemented through schools, ut...
A School-Juvenile Court Liaison Model for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency 1986 3028 Concern about juvenile delinquency is widespread throughout the United States. Alienated youth, whether they have already been adjudicated as delinquent or whether they are troubled and troublesome children who have not yet been in contact with the c...
Service providers' perception of factors that help or hinder homeless families 1998 3239 Homeless shelter directors in two southern states were surveyed to ascertain their perceptions of factors that help or hinder homeless, mother-headed families in emerging from homelessness. Respondents believed that mothers' attitudes and motivation ...
The Sexual Orientation Matrix for Supervision: A Tool for Training Therapists to Work with Same-Sex Couples 2004 4600 The Sexual Orientation Matrix for Supervision (SOMS) was created in order to assist supervisors and trainers in preparing supervisees to work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) clients. The SOMS was developed around two core concepts: (1) degree o...
Social Work with Homeless Mothers: A Strength-Based Solution-Focused Model 2000 30247 Social workers are increasingly called upon to provide services to homeless families, the vast majority of which arc mother-headed. Drawing on empirical findings from the literature on homeless families and the practice literature on solution-focused...
Spirituality and Religion in the Lives of Runaway and Homeless Youth: Coping with Adversity 2005 5015 This qualitative study, part of a larger study of resiliency, explores the impact of spirituality on runaway and/or homeless youth. Interviews with 19 former runaway and homeless youth were analyzed to explore their experience of spirituality as they...
Study abroad and values development in social work students 2005 9638 This article presents results of a qualitative study of values development in U.S. and Scottish social work students who participated in a study-abroad program. Six themes emerged: opening the mind to new ways of thinking; awareness and insight into ...
Supervisors’ and Employees’ Perceptions of Transfer of Learning in a Child Welfare Pre-Service Training Course 2007 210 A Transfer of Learning (TOL) program was developed to complement a Pre-Service Training program (PST) for new child welfare staff. To evaluate the impact of this TOL program, a cross sectional survey of employees and supervisors was conducted, using ...
Training Public Assistance Workers in Policy and Interpersonal Helping Skills 1995 2747 Although social work has traditionally been concerned with economically disadvantaged populations, separation of income maintenance and public social services functions in the 1970s resulted in a decrease in social work influence and involvement in p...
Understanding Developmental Pathways of Runaway and Homeless Youth [Book review] 2002 209 Reviews Whitbeck and Hoyt's "Nowhere to Grow: Homeless and Runaway Adolescents and their Families" (see record 1999-02882-000). In their book, Whitbeck and Hoyt present the results of their multisite, multistate study of youth homelessness in the Mid...