John Dawson Ph.D.

There are 5 included publications by John Dawson Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
The Empirical Volatility-Growth Relationship: Is Economic Freedom the Missing Link? 2015 602 This paper examines the role of economic freedom in the empirical relationship between business cycle volatility and long-run growth across countries. In a diverse sample of ninety-nine countries, accounting for economic freedom’s influence on ...
The Link Between Volatility And Growth: Evidence From The States 1997 1473 We present evidence on the relationship between output volatility and growth using state data. No evidence of such a relationship is found once other correlates of growth are incorporated into the analysis. This finding contradicts published results ...
Regulation And The Macroeconomy 2007 1311 This article uses the number of pages in the Code of Federal Regulations to investigate the empirical relationship between federal regulation and macroeconomic performance in the U.S. The analysis uses an aggregate production framework to study the c...
Time-series tests of income convergence with two structural breaks: evidence from 29 countries 2010 2272 This article uses data on real per capita incomes from 1900 to 2001 to test for stochastic convergence in a diverse group of 29 countries. We utilize LM unit root tests to endogenously determine the number and location of structural breaks for eac...
Trend breaks and non-stationarity in the Yugoslav black market for dollars, 1974–1987 2007 1619 We estimate a model of the black market premium for dollars in Yugoslavia from 1974 to 1987. Unlike previous applications of the model, our analysis addresses non-stationarity in the underlying data by allowing for trend breaks. Endogenous structu...