John Whitehead Ph.D.

There are 49 included publications by John Whitehead Ph.D.:

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Accounting For Heterogeneity In Behavioral Responses To Health-Risk Information Treatments 2015 241 Traditional revealed and stated preference models consider a typical individual's behavioural responses to various policy-based information treatments. For some cost–benefit applications in which resource managers are concerned with responses from a ...
Albemarle–Pamlico Sounds Revealed And Stated Preference Data 2015 1072 In this article we describe the contingent valuation and behavior methods scenario developed in the 1995 Albemarle–Pamlico Sounds Survey. The survey elicits revealed and stated preference recreation behavior data which are used to estimate the value ...
Combining Willingness to Pay and Behavior Data with Limited Information 2005 3908 In order to incorporate behavioral change in the willingness to pay model we jointly estimate contingent valuation and revealed and contingent behavior data. The willingness to pay model includes the change in the number of recreation trips as an ind...
A Comment On “Three Reasons To Use Annual Payments In Contingent Valuation” 2018 1458 Egan, Corrigan and Dwyer (2015) conduct a survey of Ohio residents and collect contingent valuation method data for a wetlands restoration project. The CVM scenario includes a split sample treatment where payment schedules differ. My analysis of thes...
A Comparison of Contingent Valuation Method and Random Utility Model Estimates of the Value Of Avoiding Reductions In King Mackerel Bag Limits 2006 2518 This paper estimates the value of king mackerel bag limit changes with both stated and revealed preference methods. The 1997 Marine Recreational Fishery Statistical Survey allows estimation of the value of avoiding bag limit reductions with the rando...
Construct Validity of Dichotomous and Polychotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Questions 1998 3126 In this note we conduct construct validity tests for dichotomous choice (DC) and polychotomous choice (PC) contingent valuation questions. Contrary to previous results, we find that DC and PC estimates of willingness to pay are theoretically valid,...
CONSUMPTION BENEFITS OF NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE GAME TRIPS ESTIMATED FROM REVEALED AND STATED PREFERENCE DEMAND DATA 2013 1828 This paper examines the demand for hockey game trips among metropolitan and nonmetropolitan residents of Alberta, Canada. Using data on both revealed and stated preference game-trip behavior from a telephone survey conducted throughout Alberta, we es...
A Contingent Valuation Estimate of the Benefits of Wolves in Minnesota 2003 3940 In this paper we estimate the willingness to pay for a wolf management plan and a wolf damage plan in Minnesota using the contingent valuation method. The theoretical definition of willingness to pay for wolf protection is composed of use and non-us...
Convergent Validity of Revealed and Stated Recreation Behavior with Quality Change: A Comparison of Multiple and Single Site Demands 2010 2771 We consider the convergent validity of several demand models using beach recreation data. Two models employ multiple site data: a count data demand system model and the Kuhn–Tucker demand system model. We explore the role of existing variation in bea...
Dubious And Dubiouser: Contingent Valuation And The Time Of Day 2014 1136 We collect contingent valuation data from 524 student survey respondents over a 3-day, 72-hour period. Data analysis of a hypothetical campus referendum focuses on time-of-day effects on willingness to pay for a renewable energy project. We find that...
Economic Effects of Pfiesteria 2003 3696 Pfiesteria is a single-celled microorganism that is a toxic predator of a number of fish species. We measure the effects of information about Pfiesteria on three related decision processes of the consumer: risk perceptions, seafood demand, and willin...
Economics Of Coastal Erosion And Adaptation To Sea Level Rise 2016 1950 This article provides a review and synthesis of geoeconomic models that are used to analyze coastal erosion management and shoreline change. We outline a generic framework for analyzing risk-mitigating and/or recreation-enhancing policy interventions...
Effects of Information about Invasive Species on Risk Perception and Seafood Demand by Gender and Race 2010 1258 In this paper we consider the effects of negative and positive risk information on perceived seafood risks and seafood consumption by gender and race. The data is from a Mid-Atlantic survey of coastal seafood consumers. We elicit risk perceptions in ...
Endogenous Consequentiality In Stated Preference Referendum Data: The Influence Of The Randomly Assigned Tax Amount 2017 925 Recent empirical and theoretical research stresses it is important for survey respondents to believe that survey votes are consequential, meaning their votes can potentially influence whether a proposed policy is undertaken. We test the effect of a r...
Environmental Risk and Averting Behavior: Predictive Validity of Jointly Estimated Revealed and Stated Behavior Data 2005 2914 We conduct predictive validity tests using revealed and stated behavior data from a panel survey of North Carolina coastal households. The application is to hurricane evacuation behavior. Data was initially collected after Hurricane Bonnie led to h...
Estimating Environmental Benefits Of Natural Hazard Mitigation With Data Transfer: Results From A Benefit-Cost Analysis Of Federal Emergency Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Grants 2009 2631 This paper summarizes methods, data and results associated with the first major attempt to evaluate the environmental benefits of U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency natural hazards mitigation grants. The study relied heavily on the refinement o...
From Hopeless to Curious?: Thoughts on Hausman’s “Dubious to Hopeless” Critique of Contingent Valuation 2013 3392 Hausman “selectively” reviewed the contingent valuation method (CVM) literature in 2012 and failed to find progress in the method during the 18 years since Diamond and Hausman argued that unquantified benefits and costs are preferred to those quantif...
Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurricane Katrina Survivors 2007 3524 In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, many evacuees from the Gulf region began the difficult process of deciding whether to rebuild or restart elsewhere. We examine pre-Katrina Gulf residents' decision to return to the postdisaster Gulf region--which we ...
Green vs. Green: Measuring the Compensation Required to Site Electrical Generation Windmills in a Viewshed 2008 1754 Proponents of wind power note that wind is a green energy source. Yet locating electrical generating windmills has become difficult in some localities because of potential negative externalities. We address why the NIMBY syndrome may arise when choos...
Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements through Joint Estimation with Quality Perceptions 2006 1890 Willingness to pay for quality change may depend on heterogeneous perceived quality levels. Contingent valuation studies should include measures of quality perceptions as covariates in the willingness to pay model in order to avoid omitted variable b...
Measuring Contingent Values for Wetlands: Effects of Information about Related Environmental Goods 1991 3470 A model of contingent market behavior is developed which emphasizes the role of household information about wetlands and related environmental goods.
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Saginaw Bay Coastal Marsh with Revealed and Stated Preference Methods 2009 2990 We estimate the economic benefits of Saginaw Bay coastal marsh with the travel cost and contingent valuation methods. The travel cost method is based on revealed preferences: actual recreation behavior. Using a sample of the general population of Mic...
Measuring the Economic Effects of Sea Level Rise On Shore Fishing 2009 2425 In this paper we develop estimates of the economic effects of sea level rise on marine recreational shore fishing in North Carolina, USA. The relationship between angler behavior and spatial differences in beach width is estimated using the Marine Re...
Measuring The Impact Of The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill On Consumer Behavior 2016 1089 We exploit the timing of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill to develop a unique dataset of oyster consumer actual and anticipated behavior immediately prior to and following the event. A revealed and stated preference model allows both short- and lon...
Measuring the Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Real Estate: A Hedonic Property Model Approach 2011 6068 This study estimates the impact of sea-level rise on coastal real estate in North Carolina using a unique integration of geospatial and hedonic property data. With rates of sea- level rise approximately double the global average, North Carolina has o...
Measuring Recreation Benefits of Quality Improvements with Revealed and Stated Behavior Data 2000 4016 We propose a combined revealed and stated behavior estimation method to measure recreation benefits of a fixed quality improvement that directly addresses the issues of variation in environmental quality beyond the observed range and new participatio...
Mitigating Hypothetical Bias In Stated Preference Data: Evidence From Sports Tourism 2015 977 One of the major criticisms of stated preference data is hypothetical bias. Using a unique dataset of both stated and actual behavior, we test for hypothetical bias of stated preference survey responses. We consider whether respondents tend to overst...
One Million Dollars per Mile?: The Opportunity Costs of Hurricane Evacuation 2003 5977 Emergency managers should balance the benefits and costs of voluntary and mandatory evacuation orders when issuing orders prior to a hurricane. The only estimate of hurricane evacuation costs is the often-quoted “one million dollars per mile” of evac...
Part-Whole Bias in Contingent Valuation: Will Scope Effects Be Detected with Inexpensive Survey Methods? 1998 3687 The purpose of this paper is to test for scope effects with the contingent valuation method. We use data from a telephone survey focusing on water quality improvements in the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds in North Carolina. We find that the willingn...
Plausible Responsiveness To Scope In Contingent Valuation 2016 1290 Plausible responsiveness to scope is a question of economic significance, in addition to statistical significance, of the scope test in contingent valuation. We briefly review the history of the scope test in order to place the current issue in the c...
The Production of Health and the Valuation of Medical Inputs in Wage-Amenity Models 2000 2666 Using a hedonic wage-amenity model, this paper examines the valuation of medical inputs into the production of health. The data used in this study include the incomes, demographics and measures of human capital for households in eastern North Carolin...
Public Support For Hosting The Olympic Summer Games In Germany: The CVM Approach 2016 756 Cities and their respective regions must weigh the merits of hosting major sport events, including the Olympic Games. This paper presents a contingent valuation method estimate of the monetary value of intangible benefits to Germans of hosting the Ol...
Resource Quality Information and Validity of Willingness to Pay in Contingent Valuation 1998 3492 Elicitation of valid statements of contingent value requires survey participants who are familiar with the environmental resource change. A primary purpose of the contingent market must be to assure familiarity by providing information. Information a...
A Revealed Preference Approach To Valuing Non-market Recreational Fishing Losses From The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 2014 678680 At an estimated 206 million gallons, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) is the largest marine oil spill in the history of the United States. In this paper we develop a series of random utility models of site choice by saltwater anglers in the Southeast US a...
Sea-Level Rise Research and Dialogue in North Carolina: Creating Windows for Policy Change 2009 3511 Coastal areas are among the world's most vulnerable landscapes to impacts related to climate change, including inundation from sea-level rise (SLR), increased exposure to shoreline erosion, and greater frequency and intensity of storms. The status of...
Specification Bias in Contingent Valuation from Omission of Relative Price Variables 1994 1935 The specification bias from omission of relative price variables in contingent valuation functions is investigated. Omitted variable bias will cause the determinants of willingness to pay (WTP) to assume zero. The omission of relative price variables...
A Split-Sample Revealed And Stated Preference Demand Model To Examine Homogenous Subgroup Consumer Behavior Responses To Information And Food Safety Technology Treatments 2012 1378 The combination and joint estimation of revealed and stated preference (RP/SP) data approach to examining consumer preferences to relevant policy-based measures typically fail to account for heterogeneity in the data by considering behavior of the av...
Temporal Reliability of Willingness to Pay from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife- Associated Recreation 2007 2415 The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (FHWAR) has been a source of information on wildlife-related recreation since 1955. The contingent valuation method has been used to ...
Using Contingent Valuation to Measure the Compensation Required to Gain Community Acceptance of a LULU: The Case of a Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility 1998 2379 The contingent valuation (CV) method was used to measure the compensation required for the siting of a hazardous waste disposal facility. Previous studies using the CV method were examined to determine the importance of subjective risk assessment. A ...
Value of Public Goods from Sport Stadiums: The CVM Approach 2000 17167 Many state and local governments have subsidized the construction of arenas and stadiums for the use of professional sports teams. They often justify the subsidies by claiming the projects create valuable public goods and positive externalities, thou...
The Value of Public Goods Generated by a Major League Sports Team: The CVM Approach 2001 1413 This article reports an application of the contingent valuation method to measure the value of public goods generated by a professional sports team, the Pittsburgh Penguins of the National Hockey League. The data and analysis indicate that a major ...
Weathering the Storm: Measuring Household Willingness-to-Pay for Risk-Reduction in Post-Katrina New Orleans 2011 1912 The city of New Orleans suffered extensive damage as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Rebuilding involves decisions on investment in protective measures. An exhaustive list of protective measures has been studied in planning documents, with public comm...
Willingness To Pay For Downtown Public Goods Generated By Large, Sports-Anchored Development Projects: The CVM Approach 2012 2572 North American cities have long encouraged redevelopment of their downtown cores to counteract the flight of residents and business to the suburbs in the postwar period. Building subsidized arenas and stadiums for professional sports teams downtown b...
Willingness To Pay For A Green Energy Program: A Comparison Of Ex-Ante And Ex-Post Hypothetical Bias Mitigation Approaches 2007 3430 The most persistently troubling empirical result in the contingent valuation method literature is the tendency for hypothetical willingness to pay to overestimate real willingness to pay. Two approaches, ex-ante and ex-post, have been developed to mi...
Willingness To Pay For Soccer Player Development In The United States 2015 1190 American households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for soccer player development is measured using the contingent valuation method. Data are drawn from two national surveys administered before and after the 2014 World Cup event. Individuals are asked whet...
Willingness to Pay for Submerged Maritime Cultural Resources 2003 1847 Many consider salvage value and tourism expenditures as the only economic values of a historic shipwreck. This paper looks at one alternative, the non-market value generated by management of shipwrecks as submerged maritime cultural resources. We co...
The Willingness to Pay to Remove Billboards and Improve Scenic Amenities 2007 3430 We use the contingent valuation method to measure the amount citizens are willing to pay to improve scenic mountain-view amenities through the removal of billboards. Our approach addresses both the perceived property rights as well as the perceptions...
Willingness-To-Pay For Sporting Success Of Football Bundesliga Teams 2016 1312 This study shows that fans and people living in the region of 28 Football Bundesliga teams from all three divisions are willing to support their team financially. Survey respondents were asked for their willingness-to-pay to avoid a negative outcome ...
Wind Turbines and Coastal Recreation Demand 2012 3129 We examine the impact of coastal wind turbines on local coastal tourism and recreation for residents of the northeastern coastal counties in North Carolina. A combination of telephone and web survey data are used to assess the impact of coastal wind ...