Approaching Error-Free Customer Satisfaction through Process Change and Feedback Systems |
2009 |
2567 |
Employee-based errors result in quality defects that can often impact customer satisfaction. This study examined the effects of a process change and feedback system intervention on error rates of 3 teams of retail furniture distribution warehouse wor... |
Assigned Versus Participatory Goal Setting and Response Generalization: Managing Injury Control Among Professional Pizza Deliverers |
1997 |
6706 |
Safety belt use, turn signal use, and intersection stopping were observed at 3 pizza delivery locations per driver's license plate numbers. After baseline observations, employees at 1 store participated in goal setting targeting complete stops. Emplo... |
Behavior Change Among Agents of a Community Safety Program: Pizza Deliverers Advocate Community Safety Belt Use |
1999 |
2574 |
Discusses the pizza deliverers' role as intervention agents for a community safety belt campaign sponsored by their stores. Evaluation on the behavior change of the intervention agents; Profiles of the intervention agents; Procedures in data collecti... |
Behavioral Impact of a Corporate Driving Policy: Undesirable Side-Effects Reflect Countercontrol |
1999 |
1146 |
Pizza deliverers at two stores received turn-signal policy statements with two paychecks in an AB1B2 multiple baseline design. At Store A turn-signal use rose from a baseline mean of 70% to 78% after the first policy statement and to 84% after the se... |
Behavioral System Feedback Measurement Failure: Sweeping Quality Under the Rug |
2009 |
3061 |
Behavioral Systems rely on valid measurement systems to manage processes and feedback and to deliver contingencies. An examination of measurement system components designed to track customer service quality of furniture delivery drivers revealed the ... |
A Conceptual Framework for Developing and Evaluating Behavior Change Interventions for Injury Control |
1990 |
8046 |
This paper addresses issues and research needs in the domain of behavior modification for injury control. Although much of the discussion focuses on traffic safety, the concepts and principles are applicable to all areas of injury control (e.g. on th... |
Enhancing Incentive Programs with Proximal Goals and Immediate Feedback: Engineered Labor Standards and Technology Enhancements in Stocker Replenishment |
2007 |
3485 |
Under baseline conditions warehouse stockers (n = 23) could earn incentives if their team performed above the team quota of 18 cases stocked per hour. They were also subject to disciplinary action if they failed to regularly meet individual stocking ... |
Improving Anesthesia Nurse Compliance with Universal Precautions Using Group Goals and Public Feedback |
2005 |
3169 |
Universal Precautions (UPs), procedures to reduce the likelihood of accidental exposure to blood-borne pathogens, were observed among seven Certified Nurse Anesthetists and one anesthesia technician during intravenous line procedures. After six weeks... |
Improving the Driving Practices of Pizza Deliverers: Potential Moderating Effects of Age and Driving Record |
1991 |
1635 |
A practical intervention program, targeting the safety belt use of pizza deliverers at two stores, increased significantly the use of both safety belts (143% above baseline) and turn signals (25% above baseline). Control subjects (i.e., pizza deliver... |
Increasing Recycling in Academic Buildings: A Systematic Replication |
1998 |
3706 |
We placed recycling receptacles in two locations in academic buildings and studied recycling
behavior within an ABA multiple baseline design. During baseline, recycling
receptacles were placed in a central location. During the intervention, recepta... |
Keeping an Uphill Edge: Managing Cleaning Behaviors at a Ski Shop |
2007 |
4383 |
Several behaviors in a ski shop were identified as being deficient using Austin's Performance Diagnostic Checklist (2000) and Daniels and Daniels' PIC/NIC Analysis (2004). During a 4-week baseline, 7 cleaning behaviors were monitored and 5 were subse... |
Managing Distribution Quality Through an Adapted Incentive Program with Tiered Goals and Feedback |
2003 |
2810 |
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a program designed to improve the work quality of employees at a food distribution warehouse. Participants (n = 23) were responsible for selecting food items to be distributed to restaurants. Selector errors ... |
On the Necessity of Structure in an Arbitrary World: Using Concurrent Schedules of Reinforcement to Describe Response Generalization |
2002 |
1986 |
The term response generalization has been poorly defined and has, over many years, been a source of controversy for applied researchers who must grapple with results that show changes in behaviors outside of the response class targeted by their inter... |
Performance, Accuracy, Data Delivery, and Feedback Methods in Order Selection: A Comparison of Voice, Handheld, and Paper Technologies |
2007 |
2473 |
A field study was conducted in auto-parts alter-market distribution centers where selectors used handheld computers to receive instructions and feedback about their product selection process. A wireless voice-interaction technology was then implement... |
Reducing Warehouse Employee Errors Using Voice-Assisted Technology That Provided Immediate Feedback |
2007 |
6173 |
A foodservice distributor in the southeastern United States implemented a voice assisted selecting tool to reduce selector errors by providing immediate feedback when errors occurred. An AB design with a nonequivalent comparison group was used to exa... |
Standardized Goals and Performance Feedback Aggregated Beyond the Work Unit: Optimizing the Use of Engineered Labor Standards and Electronic Performance Monitoring |
2009 |
4433 |
Electronic performance monitoring can monitor employee performance, while providing proximal goals and immediate feedback. A warehouse management system was enhanced to depict goal and performance on handheld wireless computers to improve order selec... |
Swimming Pool Hygiene: Self-Monitoring, Task Clarification, and Performance Feedback Increase Lifeguard Cleaning Behaviors |
2009 |
3414 |
The effects of task clarification, self-monitoring, and performance feedback on cleaning behaviors of 9 lifeguards in 3 performance areas (vacuuming, lobby tidying, and pool deck maintenance) were investigated using an ABA reversal design at a county... |
Teaching with Purpose: An Interview with Thomas E. Ludwig |
2010 |
3701 |
Abstract unavailable |
Using Public Feedback and Competitive Rewards to Increase the Safe Driving of Pizza Deliverers |
2002 |
3078 |
This study investigated the effects of a safe driving competition facilitated by publicly-posted individual feedback. The turn-signal use, safety-belt use, and complete intersection stopping of 82 pizza deliverers were observed at two experimental an... |
Using Task Clarification, Goal Setting, and Feedback to Decrease Table Busing Times in a Franchise Pizza Restaurant |
2008 |
7316 |
The current study investigated the effects of task-clarification, and manager verbal and graphic feedback on employee busing times at a pizza restaurant. Using an ABC design, task-clarification was provided in a memo, which described the process, pri... |