Acquisitions In The Biopharmaceutical IPO Market: Collaboration, Competition And Co-opetition |
2017 |
1076 |
The present paper explores the little studied area concerning the acquisition of recent biopharmaceutical initial public offering firms. We examine the nature of the relationship between the acquiring firm and the acquired initial public offering fir... |
Approaches To Organizing Public Relations Functions In Healthcare |
2008 |
412 |
This article provides health care audiences with a framework for understanding different perspectives of the role and functions of public relations in healthcare organizations and the resultant alternatives for organizing and enacting public relation... |
The Costs Of Biopharmaceutical Firms Going Public In The U.S. |
2015 |
138 |
The purpose of this paper is to examine the process and costs associated with biopharmaceutical firms undertaking an initial public offering. It discusses the direct and opportunity costs associated with this process. It shows the historical misprici... |
An Empirical Study Of The Determinants Of Location Of Hospital Mergers And Acquisitions: 1997-2016 |
2018 |
721 |
The present paper examines characteristics related to the two parties involved with hospital mergers and acquisitions and how these affect the location of the merger or acquisition. Using a dataset provided by Levin Associates, we study announcements... |
Human And Financial Capital As Determinants Of Biopharmaceutical IPO De-Listings |
2012 |
1648 |
The present study combines human capital theory with work on IPOs related to sources of financial capital of recent, publicly traded biopharmaceutical firms and relates this to the de-listing of these firms. The study follows the generally accepted v... |
Human Capital And Agency Effects On CEO Compensation Of IPO Biopharmaceutical Firms And The Market's Response |
2017 |
1031 |
This paper examines the determinants of base pay and total incentive compensation packages of CEOs of biopharmaceutical firms that have recently gone public, and whether human capital and agency factors affect the market’s response to the initial pub... |
The Inherent Risks Associated With Newly Traded Biopharmaceutical Firms |
2018 |
981 |
Here, we provide a comprehensive study related to the risks of all biopharmaceutical firms going public in the USA between 1996 and 2015. We found 355 firms that met our requirements for being in the sector that focuses on creating drugs for humans. ... |
Interpersonal Aspects Of Justice In Relationships Between Consumers And Service Providers: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis |
2009 |
950 |
There is a controversy in the justice literature as to whether interpersonal aspects of justice are best represented as one construct (interactional justice) or two (interpersonal justice and informational justice). Using confirmatory factor analysis... |
Knowledge Transfers In The US Biopharmaceutical Market During A Time Of Transition |
2019 |
1165 |
The purpose of the paper is to examine the effects that firm factors, multinational corporations, and location have on explicit and tacit knowledge transfers originating in US biopharmaceutical firms during a time of transition. Examination of all kn... |
Perspectives On Universal Health Insurance And Coverage Of Traditional Medicine: The Case Of Taiwan |
2015 |
377 |
Inclusion of traditional medical therapies is one consideration in determining the range of services to be covered under universal health insurance. Having introduced a single-payer universal health insurance system in the 1990s that covers specified... |
Post-Financial Crisis Transaction Trends Of U.S. Biotechnology Firms |
2020 |
935 |
Transactions announcements can signal the health of an industry. This article examines all biotechnology transaction announcements occurring in the U.S. between 2010 and 2017. A baseline comparison to the prefinancial crisis transaction announcements... |
Profiles Of Non-Traditional Adult MHA And MBA Students And Their Choice Of Degree Program |
2012 |
283 |
The present study examines non-traditional, adult graduate students' demographic profile, and relates this to their enrollment in a master's degree program of study. We survey 407 students enrolled in either a master of business, healthcare, leadersh... |
R&D Spending And Sources Of Funding Of Private US Biopharmaceutical Firms Seeking To Go Public |
2010 |
1009 |
This study analyzes the relationship between the amount of research and development (R&D) spending in private US biopharmaceutical firms before they go public and whether or not these firms tap into external sources of funding for investment before a... |
Real Options Reasoning In Healthcare: An Integrative Approach And Synopsis |
2007 |
2121 |
For the past 40 years, practitioners and researchers alike have been grappling with the natural shortcomings associated with the net present value approach to strategic decision making and capital budgeting. Work by scholars in option pricing theory ... |
The Role Of Pre-IPO Financial Indicators And Intermediaries In Aftermarket Performance And Survival In The US Biopharmaceutical Market |
2012 |
983 |
This paper examines factors affecting the stock price, net proceeds, and subsequent survival of biopharmaceutical firms that have gone public between 1996 and 2007 in the USA. We find that the financial condition of biopharmaceutical firms going publ... |
Strategic Groupings Of US Biotechnology Initial Public Offerings And A Measure Of Their Market Influence |
2010 |
1049 |
This study verifies the existence of strategic groups among biotechnology firms that have filed for an initial public offering (IPO). We found three distinct groupings based on the dimensions of competitive scope and growth. Differences also exist be... |
Structuring Deals And Governance After The IPO: Entrepreneurs And Venture Capitalists In High Tech Start-Ups |
2006 |
1123 |
In an effort to better understand the effects of venture capital investment on selected firm governance and financing structures, we examined the post-IPO experiences of 190 biotechnology and healthcare firms (see appendix). Our study revealed that i... |
Testing A Model Of Signals In The IPO Offer Process |
2008 |
979 |
This study examines agency and market signals related to a sample of high-technology firms seeking an initial public offering (IPO). We test a model of the IPO offer process in high-technology firms. Results indicate that certain pre-market and prima... |
Upstream Or Downstream: Determinants Of Consumer Willingness To Recommend An HMO |
2003 |
171 |
Understanding the attributes that explain an HMO members' willingness to recommend a health plan is considered by many to be critical in a competitive managed care market. The study reported in this article examines the relationship between provider ... |