Dr. Jamie Russell

RECAPP 2019 and RECAPP 2020 Award Winner. Education: University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 2004, Doctor of Philosophy: Mechanical Engineering; University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 2002, Master of Engineering: Mechanical Engineering; Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 1994, Bachelor of Science: Mechanical Engineering. Professional Affiliations or Organizations: American Society for Engineering Education. Research Interests: Green Design and Sustainable Technologies and Systems for the built environment with a focus on the development and integration of highly efficient technologies and renewable energy technologies into buildings; Development of inexpensive solar thermal systems capable of producing hot water at sufficient temperatures for residential/commercial heating and cooling and for low grade industrial process heat applications; Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship in Design with a focus on Commercialization and Technology Transfer; and Photoactive thin film coatings with solar thermal energy and heat transfer applications.

There are 5 included publications by Dr. Jamie Russell :

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Applying Project Based Learning In An Undergraduate Design And Construction Program At Appalachian State University 2018 743 Project based learning (PBL) fully engages students in the subject area, promotes teamwork, transdisciplinary collaboration, allows student teams to engage and solve community design problems and can ultimately lead to broader student worldviews. PBL...
Benchmarking The Integration Of Complex Systems Study In Mechanical Engineering Programs In The Southeastern United States 2007 120 Complex systems study, defined as an understanding of interrelationships between engineered, technical, and nontechnical (e.g., social or environmental) systems, has been identified as a critical component of undergraduate engineering education. This...
'From Graft To Bottle' -- Analysis Of Energy Use In Viticulture And Wine Production And The Potential For Solar Renewable Technologies 2009 932 The practice of viticulture and winemaking is highly dependent upon the weather and climate. Any future changes in the seasons, their duration, local maximum, minimum and mean temperatures, frost occurrence and heat accumulation could have a major im...
A New Approach To Adaptable, Affordable, And Energy Efficient Housing Designed For Individuals With Autism (Poster) 2019 160 The autistic community is underrepresented in modern residential design, with only a few user-identified housing options existing nationally intended for the specific and varying needs of the disorder. Working in partnership with local 501c3, LIFE Vi...
Pivoting Pedagogy: Adapting Multi-Disciplinary, Project-Based Learning To A Virtual Platform In Real Time (Poster) 2020 278 The IDEXlab (Integrative Design Experience Laboratory), originally funded through a National Science Foundation (NSF) Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM (TUES) grant, is a curriculum program redefining traditional pedagogical approaches by ...