Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Mill Dam Effects on Freshwater Mussel Growth in an Alabama Stream |
2010 |
4296 |
Small dams are common in the southeastern U.S., yet few studies have quantified their effects on the region’s aquatic biota such as imperiled freshwater mussels. I investigated why freshwater mussels are more abundant and larger immediately downstrea... |
Effects of Small Dams on Freshwater Bivalve Assemblages in North Carolina Piedmont and Coastal Plain Streams |
2012 |
3177 |
Small dams represent one of the most widespread human alterations to North American streams, yet effects on bivalve assemblages are understudied. Dams are quickly being removed and prioritizing dams for removal presents a challenge for resource mana... |
Effects of Ski Slopes on Appalachian Headwater Streams |
2013 |
1781 |
Mountain ecosystems are increasingly stressed by human activities. Ski resorts and other winter recreation areas (WRAs) are popular in montane regions including the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Large-scale land clearing and water extraction asso... |
Molecular and Morphological Evidence for Multiple Cryptic Crayfish Invasions in the Southern Appalachian Mountains |
2014 |
1447 |
The crayfish genus Orconectes is widespread in North America and most diverse in the southeastern river drainages. Orconectes includes numerous drainage or regional endemics as well as several species considered to be aggressive invaders of freshwate... |
Changes in the Freshwater Mussel Assemblage in the East Fork Tombigbee River, Mississippi: 1988-2011 |
2013 |
2109 |
The Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway facilitates barge navigation between the Tennessee River drainage and Mobile River Basin via locks, dams, canals, and diverted streams. These alterations have destroyed habitat and isolated freshwater mussel populatio... |
The Effects of Low-Head Dams and Land Use Change on North Carolina Atlantic Slope Fish Community Structure |
2013 |
2524 |
Dams impound streams, alter sediment regimes and other physicochemical characteristics, and fragment populations. Low-head dams are ubiquitous in eastern North America and impact communities across broad geographic scales. We sampled fish at 25 dam... |
Phylogeny of the critically endangered North American spinymussels (Unionidae: Elliptio and Pleurobema) |
2014 |
2402 |
Lateral spines are uncommon among freshwater bivalves. The North American freshwater mussel fauna includes three taxa that exhibit spines: Elliptio spinosa, Elliptio steinstansana, and Pleurobema collina. All three taxa are endemic to the Southeaster... |
Modeling The Variable Effects Of Low-Head Dams On Freshwater Mussel Assemblages |
2016 |
903 |
The widespread damming of lotic ecosystems is commonly associated with dramatic ecological effects such as decreased temperature, hypoxia, altered flow regime, physical changes to the structure of the river, and fragmentation of important habitats of... |
Beaver and Mill Dams Alter Freshwater Mussel Habitat, Growth, and Survival in North Carolina Piedmont Streams |
2012 |
3559 |
Freshwater mussels are imperiled indicator species, perform key ecosystem services, and serve as basal resources in stream foodwebs. Increasing beaver populations and mill dam removals may have consequences on freshwater mussel growth and survival. T... |
Effects Of Climate, Land Use And In-Stream Habitat On Appalachian Elktoe (Alasmidonta Raveneliana) In The Nolichucky River Drainage, North Carolina |
2016 |
1453 |
The Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) is endemic to the Blue Ridge Physiographical Province in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. Populations are small and geographically isolated in the headwaters of 10 streams in western North... |
Status And Population Genetics Of The Alabama Spike (Elliptio Arca) In The Mobile River Basin |
2017 |
945 |
Declines in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionioda) are widely reported but rarely rigorously tested, the population genetics of most species are virtually unknown. In the Mobile River Basin (MRB), many range-restricted taxa have been heavily impact... |
Spatiotemporal Dynamics Of Interstitial Sediments And Mussel Populations In The South Toe River |
2018 |
450 |
Sedimentation impacts freshwater biodiversity but quantifying interstitial sediment composition can be challenging. The South Toe River (STR) is a headwater of the Tennessee River in western North Carolina that supports endangered Appalachian elktoe ... |
The Behavioral Responses Of Two Appalachian Crayfish To Cool And Warm Spectrum LED Light At Night |
2016 |
3349 |
Ecological light pollution is increasing worldwide, and the use of artificial lighting is expected to increase during the coming decades. It is not clear how the different spectral emissions produced by the two most common LED categories will affect ... |
Molecular Phylogeny Of The Freshwater Mussel Family Dreissenidae |
2017 |
1752 |
The bivalve family Dreissenidae contains some of the most economically and ecologically important fresh and brackish-water mollusk species. There has been much uncertainty surrounding phylogenetic resolution for members of Dreissenidae. The lineage i... |
Estimating Appalachian Elktoe Distribution And Abundance Using Occupancy And Detection Models |
2019 |
1054 |
Understanding the factors influencing the abundance, density, occupancy and detectability of endangered species is a critical component of managing at-risk species. The Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) is an endangered freshwater mussel e... |
Host Fishes Of Two Imperilled Freshwater Mussels: The Appalachian Elktoe (Alasmidonta Raveneliana) And The Longsolid (Fusconaia Subrotunda) |
2022 |
298 |
Freshwater mussels have complicated life histories and their larvae are briefly parasitic on fishes. This presumably enhances dispersal and apparently aids the development of juveniles. Despite many advances in mussel propagation, many mussel-host fi... |
The Effects Of Beaver Impoundments On Montane Stream Fish Communites |
2020 |
692 |
North American beavers (Castor canadensis) are ecological engineers, and their dams alter stream environments. Few studies have examined the effect of beaver dams on Southern Appalachian fishes. I sampled fish communities from 9 streams with active b... |
Influence Of Interstitial Sediments On An Endangered Freshwater Mussel Population |
2020 |
521 |
Erosion and transport of sediment and associated pollutants to rivers and other aquatic systems is among the most commonly-reported yet poorly-understood water quality stressors. Freshwater mussels are benthic invertebrates that spend much of their l... |
Distribution Of Microplastics In Freshwater Mussels Across A Watershed Scale |
2023 |
253 |
For this study, water, freshwater mussels, and sediment samples were collected from 5 sites along the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. These samples were digested, filtered, and analyzed for microplastic particles. There were significant differences in wa... |
Phylogeography And Population Genetics Of The Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona Decorata) A Critically-Endangered Freshwater Mussel |
2023 |
95 |
The Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata) is a federally-endangered freshwater mussel that historically occurred in the Pee Dee, Santee and Savannah basins in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Captive propagation and population augmen... |
Influence Of Water Chemistry And Predator Communities On The Egg Mass Polymorphism Of Ambystoma maculatum |
2019 |
755 |
Spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) migrate each spring to temporary ponds to mate. The females lay their eggs in two morphs: clear and opaque. The presence or absence of hydrophobic protein crystals in the egg mass jelly influence whether the ... |
Comparing The Effectiveness Of Diurnal Rock-Lifting And Nocturnal Dive-Lighting Surveys For Eastern Hellbenders |
2020 |
538 |
Studies designed to better understand perceived hellbender population declines typically use diurnal rock-lifting surveys to detect individuals. However, these methods are invasive as they may alter sheltering or breeding habitat or result in injurie... |
Response Of Brook Trout (Salvelinus Fontinalis) Populations To Habitat Conditions And Competition In Southern Appalachian Streams |
2021 |
338 |
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were largely extirpated from the southeastern Appalachian Mountains in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Following this collapse, non-native S. fontinalis from northern hatcheries were stocked along with Rain... |
Changes To Water Chemistry And Implications For Sensitive Aquatic Biota In Southern Blue Ridge Streams |
2023 |
248 |
Freshwater systems, which constitute a mere 2.5% of Earth's total water, are increasingly impacted by abiotic and biotic factors. Changes to land use and other anthropogenic stressors are widely understood to drive the alteration of freshwater ecosys... |