Curtin, Lisa


There are 12 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Conversations About Drinking: College Student Perceptions of Personal and Peer Drinking 2012 1869 Alcohol consumption among college students relates to normative perceptions of peer use. One way in which these norms are likely disseminated among social groups is through conversations about drinking alcohol. Further, prior research suggests that f...
Media Exposure and Body Dissatisfaction: The Roles of Thin-Ideal Internalization and Social Comparison 2015 6283 Media exposure is considered to have a prominent influence on body dissatisfaction. Researchers tend to measure thin-ideal media exposure when examining the relationship with body dissatisfaction yet often generalize their conclusions to media as a w...
Stigma Towards Mental Health Treatment Among College Students: A Test Of An Interactive Online Educational Intervention 2015 2962 Adolescents and young adults have low rates of help-seeking despite high prevalence rates of mental health problems. College students may not choose to seek help because of the negative stigmatizing attitudes associated with mental illness. Education...
Aggressive Behaviors Among College Students: Parental Factors, Callous-Unemotional Traits, And Alcohol Use 2017 4650 Childhood aggressive behavior has been identified as the most significant antecedent and predictor of antisocial behavior in adolescence and adulthood. Alcohol use and callous-unemotional (CU) traits have been identified as correlates of aggressive b...
Empowerment, Feminism and Self-Efficacy: Relationships with Disordered Body Image and Eating 2010 5547 Eating disorders are prevalent in the United States, relate to significant psychological and health problems, and primarily affect women. Sociocultural norms pertaining to an ideal of thinness for women are considered central in the development of ...
Alcohol Use and Blood Flow in College Men: The Relationship with Personality 2015 1388 Hypertension affects 1 in 3 adults and is becoming increasingly more prevalent among young adults. Nearly 18% of young adults have prehypertension, a preliminary condition increasing risk for hypertension. Hypertension and prehypertension are both ...
Perceptions Of Parenting And College Student Alcohol Use 2017 970 Many college students consume alcohol and experience negative consequences. Research has shown that in addition to peer influences, parenting practices are associated with alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences among college students. However, ...
Acceptance And Commitment Therapy And Heavy Episodic Drinking Among College Students: An Examination Of Mechanisms Of Change 2019 1045 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third-wave behavioral therapy that uses acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions. The main target of ACT is increasing psychological flexibility. While ACT has been shown to be effective in treating...
Intent To Receive A Covid-19 Vaccination Among College Students: Theory Of Planned Behavior And Sociodemographic Predictors 2022 196 The COVID-19 pandemic created health and financial consequences across the world and will likely be managed through vaccination. College students have been identified as large spreaders of COVID-19 and adhere less to guidelines provided by profession...
The Effect of Race on Perceptions of Fat Talk among College Women 2014 2224 Fat talk is a normative style of communication where primarily girls and women say negative things about their bodies as a part of social conversation. The majority of fat talk research has employed Caucasian participants and racially unspecified ta...
The Therapeutic Alliance In The Context Of A Brief Motivational Intervention For College Student Alcohol Use 2019 467 To address college student alcohol use, many campuses employ brief interventions. Few studies have investigated the therapeutic alliance directly in the context of these brief interventions for alcohol use with students. The alliance presents as a po...
BASICS For Alcohol Use In College Students: Impact Of Choice On Anxiety 2017 992 Problematic alcohol consumption and anxiety are common co-occurring issues among college students and have been linked to impairment in multiple areas of life (e.g., interpersonal stress, academic performance). The main goal of the present study was ...