Pope, Janice


There are 7 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Look Up: Technology’s Impact On Attention, Connection, And Creativity 2018 2392 This thesis project aims to better understand the multi-faceted relationship between technology and its impacts on human attention, connection, and creativity. My body of research includes key academic texts and studies related to the main themes of ...
Green Is The New Black: A Case Study Of Steelcase 2018 1997 This paper explores the role of sustainability practices in changing the business environment of contemporary American manufacturing, in particular by focusing on the global company Steelcase, based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As the leading U.S. man...
Spring Forward 2016: Planning A communication Alumni Event 2016 1300 Spring Forward 2016 is the second annual Appalachian State Communication Department alumni networking event that took place on March 23, 2016. For my Honor’s thesis, I worked alongside Dr. Janice Pope to plan this event from August 2015 until the ev...
Look Up: Technology’s Impact On Attention, Connection, And Creativity (Audio Component) 2018 390 This thesis project aims to better understand the multi-faceted relationship between technology and its impacts on human attention, connection, and creativity. My body of research includes key academic texts and studies related to the main themes of ...
Organic & Intentional: A Study of Network Theory and Nonprofit Collaboration in the High Country 2015 1030 If there is one thing that I have learned throughout my collegiate experiences both on campus and in the community, it is that there is a unique, effectual power that comes from organizations and entities that pursue collaboration. In just the past f...
Product Placement In Mad Men 2016 5510 This study is a brand-by-brand analysis of product placement within AMC’s hit television drama Mad Men. Product placement is a method of advertising that places brands and products within pre-existing forms of entertainment to enhance brand sentiment...
Is Funny News Fake News? Analyzing The Role Of Satirical News And Its Implications In Mainstream Media 2017 522 Despite the dramatic rise in use of the term “fake news,” its definition continues to be convoluted. While similar terms have been evident in journalism of the past, today’s networked and social media environment is making both the term and spread of...