Osmond, Chris


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Casting the Circle: An Arts-Based Inquiry into Creating Spaces for Emergent, Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Higher Education 2013 1445 Although higher education generally recognizes the value of interdisciplinary collaboration, few colleges and universities successfully encourage, facilitate, or evaluate collaborative work. Disciplinary structures, individualistic mindsets, and a la...
In Pursuit Of A Meaningful Education: A Reflection On Teaching And Learning 2017 922 Beginning public school teachers today enter the teaching field with relatively little teaching experience, yet nearly a lifetime of experience in the public school in the role of a student. This work seeks to synthesize those two areas of experience...
Empowering Students To Think Critically And Compassionately By Teaching Social Justice Through Literature 2018 767 This thesis is my own exploration of the need for an English language arts curriculum that promotes compassion and critical thinking, as well as various ways to create and employ it. Driven by a desire to incorporate effective, standards-based teachi...
Thrive: Well-Being And Self-Care For Community College Employees, A Mixed Methods Research Study 2023 524 This mixed methods research study explores the interconnection of job satisfaction, well-being/flourishing, self-care, belonging, and trust in employees at an Urban Community College, UCC (Name removed to protect privacy of participants). Research ha...
Perceptions Of Gendered Practices Among Teachers And Leaders In Relation To School Morale 2016 1115 Teacher retention is essential to high student achievement. Factors affecting teacher morale must be identified to increase teacher retention. The low numbers of female administrators compared to the number of female teachers indicates that equity,...