Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - H

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Helen Winkelmes to Samuel R. Owens, October 23, 19452017Adams, Randi StudentEnglish, WCU
The how of blended instruction : current practices of North Carolina teachers in one-to-one ...2013Allen, Krystal HeatherStudentHuman Services, WCU
Herb abundance and diversity among fire severity classes in pine-oak forests of Great Smoky ...2016Binninger, Sean K.StudentBiology, WCU
The highest style of humanity : religion, the New South creed, and Holland Nimmons McTyeire2010Bishop, Christopher MichaelStudentHistory, WCU
Holding her own : a novel2014Carpenter, Erin P.StudentEnglish, WCU
Hybridizing the health education component of healthcare2021Carzoli, John A.StudentHuman Services, WCU
How the program “GoNoodle” impacts attention in elementary-age children2023Clark, Shelby LeeannStudentPsychology, WCU
Helping dual enrollment students achieve post-secondary goals: the role of college advising2019Everhart, Amanda CrisleyStudentHuman Services, WCU
Henry M. Misemer’s Letter to his wife Martha J. Misemer May 2nd 18642023Fonseca, Braulio StudentEnglish, WCU
Henry M. Misemer’s Letter to his wife Martha J. Misemer June 27th, 18642023Fonseca, Braulio StudentEnglish, WCU
The High School Success Classroom : a case study of student outcomes and factors that contri...2012Gabriel, Aron RavonStudentHuman Services, WCU
"Happy are those who sing and dance" : Mobuto, Franco, and the struggle for Zairian identity...2011Grice, Carter StudentEnglish, WCU
How do we take care of our own? Principal support and development in Rocky Top Public School...2017Griffin, Jennifer ShawStudentHuman Services, WCU
H.M. Misemer to Wife Martha August 17, 18642023Gross, Ashley StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misemer to Wife Martha September 19, 18642023Gross, Ashley StudentEnglish, WCU
H.M. Misemer to Wife Martha March 24, 18652023Gross, Ashley StudentEnglish, WCU
How to be a cyborg: a collection of essays2023Hamilton, Katharine Emma LouiseStudentEnglish, WCU
How an automated patient education module improves patient outcomes and informs the quality-...2022Harper-Lonabaugh, Wendi LStudentNursing, WCU
Habitat modeling of a rare endemic trillium species (Trillium Simile Gleason): a comparison ...2017Hawk, Ashley MendenhallStudentBiology, WCU
Holy lands2012Knight, Ellen FletcherStudentEnglish, WCU
How conservative are sexual pheromones? : a cross-genera study of Plethodontid salamanders2013Love, Christopher BrannonStudentBiology, WCU
Hugh Macrae and the idea of farm city : race, class, and conservation in the New South, 1905...2012Manget, Thomas LukeStudentHistory, WCU
Holocene environmental history of Panthertown Valley in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Ca...2014Martin, Elizabeth MarieStudentBiology, WCU
A habitat assessment of rare and endangered species in the Upper Little Tennessee River Basi...2024Miles, James L.StudentGeosciences and Natural Resources, WCU
Hypostasis and the dynamic imagination2018Neaves, Martha LynneStudentArt and Design, WCU