DeWald, Laura


There are 14 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Microsatellite genetic diversity of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) in western North Carolina pre- and post-chestnut blight and pre- and post-harvest 2010 2993 The impact of harvest and the loss of the American chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marsh)Borkh) was examined in northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) (NRO) using nine microsatellite markers. Four sites located in the Nantahala National Forest in western No...
Patterns of recruitment and young culm morphology in Arundinaria gigantea ([Walt.] Muhl.) canebrakes in western North Carolina 2010 2117 River cane is one of three bamboos native to the United States. This species was once ubiquitous across the southeastern US but has now been reduced to less than two percent of its original coverage. This study is among research efforts to improve ...
Role of color and odor on the attraction of insect visitors to spring blooming trillium 2011 10434 Plants relying on insects to pollinate flowers attract pollinators through varying floral cues such as unique colors and scents. Pollinators rely on these cues to identify flowers for sources of food such as nectar, pollen, and oils. The goals of t...
Relationships between genetic diversity, clonal structure and sudden apsen decline in Kaibab National Forest, Arizona 2012 2231 Rapid and extensive dieback of aspen stands in the western United States, termed ‘Sudden Aspen Decline,’ has been attributed to combinations of predisposing inciting and contributing factors. A recent study in the Kaibab National Forest near Flagstaf...
Predicting threatened orchid (Isotria medeoloides [Pursh] raf.) habitat in the southern Appalachian region using Maxent model 2014 2679 Isotria medeoloides (Pursh) Raf. or small whorled pogonia is one of the rarest orchids in the eastern U.S. and is currently threatened by habitat loss in the southern Appalachians. The purpose of this study was to improve our understanding of where I...
dNBR imagery and xeric pine-oak forest stand characteristics for fires of different severity in Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2014 990 Fire suppression has changed forest structure and composition on xeric sites in the southern Appalachians from open, pine-oak dominated stands to closed canopy, mixed hardwood stands. Improved understanding of fire-related tools and ecological respon...
Genetic variation in Hydrastis canadensis populations in western North Carolina 2012 2365 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) is a herbaceous perennial that is broadly distributed in patches in eastern deciduous forests. This plant is a valuable medicinal herb, and overharvest has been a cause of population decline along with loss of hab...
Elk (Cervus elaphus L.) habitat selection in Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2013 3821 Evaluating how the established herd of elk (Cervus elaphus L.) is using forested areas in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) is important for the health and management of the elk, and for the protection of the diverse flora within the park. ...
Genetic and phenotypic variation among fox squirrels in eastern North Carolina 2015 1536 The longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill) ecosystem serves as habitat for the eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger L) in the southeastern United States and has been reduced in size and fragmented. Fragmentation often leads to loss of genetic diversity ...
Comparisons of arthropod and avian communities in insecticide-treated and untreated hemlock stands in Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2009 1728 Great Smoky Mountains National Park is using systemic imidacloprid in Hemlock Conservation Areas to treat eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) infested with hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae, HWA). The purpose of this study was to investigate the...
Habitat modeling of a rare endemic trillium species (Trillium Simile Gleason): a comparison of the methods Maxent and DOMAIN for modeling rare species-rich habitat 2017 1861 Many species habitat and distribution models are available that use field habitat observations to identify environmental predictor variables and quantify species-environment relationships. The relative effectiveness in terms of ease of use and accura...
Composition and structure of Tsuga caroliniana stands in the Southern Appalachian Mountains 2021 284 Tsuga caroliniana Engelm. (Carolina hemlock) is a foundation species, so it defines a stand and its specific traits control ecosystem dynamics. This study presents an investigation into the relationships between Tsuga caroliniana physiography, popula...
Herb abundance and diversity among fire severity classes in pine-oak forests of Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2016 1191 Fire suppression in forest ecosystems has changed fire regimes and modified woody plant composition, structure, and function throughout the US. Specific effects on the herbaceous plant communities are largely unknown. My study quantified herbaceous p...
Variation in plant functional traits and vertical structure in harvested forest openings in the Southern Appalachians 2017 682 For over two decades, scientists and land managers in the eastern United States have had concerns about the loss of early seral habitat resulting from changes in land use and disturbance regimes. Forest harvest can create early seral habitat within t...