[Review] Gender Discourse and Desire in Twentieth-Century Brazilian Women’s Literature by Cr... | 2004 | Felix, Regina | Faculty | World Languages and Cultures, UNCW |
[Review of the book The film preservation guide: The basics for archives, libraries, and mus... | 2006 | Riggins, Adina L. | Faculty | William Madison Randall Library, UNCW |
Role of oxygen and salinity on biogeochemical processes controlling mercury and monomethylme... | 2008 | Vinson, Joshua S. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW |
Role of oxygen and salinity on biogeochemical processes controlling mercury and monomethylme... | 2008 | Vinson, Joshua S. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW |
Reducing library-related stress holistically | 2009 | Doshi, Ameet | Faculty | William Madison Randall Library, UNCW |
The relationship between age and performance on the Trail Making test in a Chilean populatio... | 2009 | Gontier, Jorge | Student | Psychology, UNCW |
The role of attributional style in the development of depression in college females with pat... | 2009 | Whisnant, Jill | Student | Psychology, UNCW |
Rhetoric and man's best friend : culture, narrative, and the voices of dogs | 2009 | Lorschieder-House, Jean | Student | English, UNCW |
Rural preservation in an urban setting : advocating historical significance of the Martindal... | 2009 | Mims, LuAnn Margaret | Student | History, UNCW |
[Review] Chico Buarque – Spilled Milk | 2009 | Felix, Regina | Faculty | World Languages and Cultures, UNCW |
A reel nightmare exposed : a study of the cultural significance of Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Str... | 2009 | Lowery, J. Vincent | Faculty | History, UNCW |
The role of benthic macrofauna in influencing fluxes and speciation of dissolved zinc and co... | 2009 | MacGillivray, Kenneth A. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW |
The role of vanadium as a chemical defense of the solitary tunicate, Phallusia nigra | 2009 | Odate, Shobu | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
Reactivity of substituted 4-Pyridones in normal and inverse demand Diels-Alder cycloaddition... | 2009 | MacNevin, Christopher J. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW |
Revision of the self; revision of societal attitudes feminist critical approaches to female... | 2009 | Chapman, Cass | Student | English, UNCW |
The relationship between gonadal hormones and the emergence of cognitive sex differences : y... | 2009 | Ansel, Shi N. | Student | Psychology, UNCW |
Ruppia maritima seed and Thalassia testudinum seedling responses to fluctuations in salinity... | 2009 | Kahn, Amanda E. | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
Rotating back to the world : an analysis of two Vietnam War memoirs | 2009 | Jones, Stephanie N. | Student | English, UNCW |
The role of geography in the evolution of gamete incompatibility in hybridizing blue mussels... | 2009 | Slaughter, Christin T. | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
Royal tern (Sterna maxima) chick diet on Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia... | 2009 | Aygen, Deniz | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
The removal of Cremophor® EL from paclitaxel for quantitative analysis by HPLC-UV | 2009 | Perdue, James D. | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW |
Rejecting the myth : characterizations of emerging adulthood in three contemporary novels | 2009 | Costin, Rebekah K. | Student | English, UNCW |
Racist white stereotypes and physician race : factors influencing black health care related ... | 2009 | Thomas, Duane J. | Student | Psychology, UNCW |
Rainfall impacts on suspended sediment concentrations in an urbanized tidal creek, southeast... | 2009 | Saal, Lauren B. | Student | Earth Sciences, UNCW |
Rain-water (Water-supply) -- North Carolina -- Wilmington -- Analysis | 2009 | Taylor, Kelly Lynne | Student | Chemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW |
Reading first and scientifically based reading research programs : answers to North Carolina... | 2009 | Cartrette, Cassandra Hilburn | Student | Education, UNCW |
Retaining Wilmington : the role of class, heritage and memory in historic preservation, 1882... | 2009 | Evans, Gareth | Student | History, UNCW |
Residency patterns, seasonality and habitat use among bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatu... | 2009 | Sloan, Peggy E. | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
Recirculating aquaculture system integration of bivalve culture for effluent nutrient compos... | 2009 | Myers, Amanda R. | Student | Marine Science, UNCW |
Reconstructing identities and escaping trauma in Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient | 2009 | Bussi, Melanie Leah | Student | English, UNCW |
A reassessment of Geminella (Chlorophyta) based upon photosynthetic pigments, DNA sequence a... | 2009 | Durako, Maris R. | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
The role of the Cape Fear River discharge plume in fisheries production : aggregation and tr... | 2009 | Markovsky, W. Coult | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
Rocketing into your daily life : Life magazine, the postwar advertising revolution, and the ... | 2009 | Cicero, Michelle Elizabeth | Student | History, UNCW |
Re-envisioning romanticism as postmodern fantasy : a case study of William Blake and Robert ... | 2009 | Williams, Patrick B | Student | English, UNCW |
[Review of the book The image of librarians in cinema, 1917-1999] | 2009 | Riggins, Adina L. | Faculty | William Madison Randall Library, UNCW |
The role of female's alcohol consumption and clothing on attitudes towards date rape | 2009 | Funches, Kendria D. | Student | Psychology, UNCW |
Reproductive success of least terns and black skimmers in southeastern North Carolina | 2009 | Roman, Katrina M. | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
Replacement of fish meal by alternative protein sources in diets for juvenile black sea bass... | 2009 | Sullivan, Katherine B. | Student | Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW |
[Review of the book Appraising moving images: Assessing the archival and monetary value of f... | 2009 | Riggins, Adina L. | Faculty | William Madison Randall Library, UNCW |
[Review] Demystifying the Female Body in Hispanic Male Authors, 1880-1920 – Overcoming the V... | 2009 | Felix, Regina | Faculty | World Languages and Cultures, UNCW |
Religion and the Professional Ethos: The YMCA, Dale Carnegie, and the 'Business Man.' | 2017 | Cummings, Lance | Faculty | UNCW |
Residential flood vulnerability along the developed North Carolina, USA coast: High resoluti... | 2019 | Pricope, Narcisa | Faculty | Earth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW |
Red Shirts and Citizens’ Councils: Special Collections and Information Literacy in the Colle... | 2019 | Saunders, Nathan | Faculty | Randall Library, UNCW |
Remote Sensing of Human–Environment Interactions in Global Change Research: A Review of Adva... | 2019 | Pricope, Narcisa | Faculty | Earth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW |
Retaining Adolescent and Young Adult Participants in Research During a Pandemic: Best Practi... | 2021 | Nooner, Kate | Faculty | Psychology, UNCW |
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership | 2022 | Masters, Daniel S. | Faculty | Political Science, UNCW |
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership | 2022 | King, Aaron | Faculty | Public and International Affairs, UNCW |
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership | 2022 | Clements, Caroline | Faculty | Psychology, UNCW |
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership | 2022 | Cummings, Lance | Faculty | UNCW |
Reaching Across Borderlines: Collected Essays from the UNCW-IIUI D.O.S. Partnership | 2022 | Ashe, Diana | Faculty | English, UNCW |