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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
It's a big old goofy world view : John Prine as a modern-day Mark Twain2009Ruwe, Michael J.StudentEnglish, UNCW
“It’s Avoiding Getting Sued for Concussion for those Kids”: Pedagogical Responses 4 of Youth...2023Barnes, Colin FacultyUNCW
Isolation of bacteriocins from Vibrio Spp. and Pseudomonas Spp. attached to aquatic particul...2009Bost, Amanda LynnStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The isolation and characterization of natural products from marine plants and microorganisms...2009Krzysiak, Amanda J.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Is a word to the wise sufficient? character education in public secondary schools2009Urban, Scott H.StudentEducation, UNCW
Iron speciation in coastal rainwater : oxidation kinetics and organic complexation2009Smith, Bernard JasonStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Investigation of submarine landslide deposits the northern margin of Puerto Rico2009Hearne, Meghan E.StudentEarth Sciences, UNCW
Investigation of protein-induced formation of lipid domains and their dynamics using fluores...2009Wright, Jenny R.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Investigating “Understanding by design” in the national music education standards: Perspecti...2017Johnson, Daniel C.FacultyMusic, UNCW
Investigating Controls on Barrier Island Overwash and Evolution during Extreme Storms2021Beckman, Jesse StudentGeoscience, UNCW
Introduction to the themed issue: Furthering the education profession: partnerships in actio...2018Lewis, Somer Faculty Professional Development System, UNCW
Introduction to the themed issue: Furthering the education profession: partnerships in actio...2018Sikma, Lynn FacultyEarly Childhood, Elementary, Middle, Literacy, UNCW
Introduction to the themed issue: Furthering the education profession: partnerships in actio...2018Dikkers, Amy Garrett FacultyEducational Leadership, UNCW
The intimate friendship scale: factors and association with drinking patterns among college ...2009Allgood, Sarah StudentPsychology, UNCW
An intervention to promote HIV antibody testing among college students2009Mathis, Michele W.StudentPsychology, UNCW
Interstate school leaders licensure consortium standards for school leaders : a pilot study2009Neilson, Richard StudentSpecialty Studies, UNCW
Interrupting mental rotation : what we know when 2009Johnson, Nathan StudentPsychology, UNCW
Internet filtering companies with religious affiliations in the context of Indiana public li...2008Radom, Rachel FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Internal Bore Evolution across the Shelf near Pt. Sal, California, Interpreted as a Gravity ...2021Suanda, Sutara FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Interactions between oyster reefs and adjacent sandflats : effects on microphytobenthos and ...2009Molesky, Thomas J.StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Integrating a digital library and a traditional library: Librarians and scientists collabora...2008Benedetti, Susannah J.FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Integrating a digital library and a traditional library: Librarians and scientists collabora...2008Cody, Sue AnnFacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Integrating a digital library and a traditional library: Librarians and scientists collabora...2008Hanerfeld, Arlene FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Integrated Virtual Learning Environment for Cybersecurity (IVLE4C)2022Greer, Jeff FacultyCenter for Cyber Defense Education, UNCW
Integrated Virtual Learning Environment for Cybersecurity (IVLE4C)2022Stoker, Geoff FacultyCongdon School, UNCW