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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Information literacy faculty fellows program : Building a faculty-librarian framework commun...2019Yeager, Vonzell FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
The impact of in-game advertising on players' attitudes and purchasing behavior towards vide...2009Wydick, James R.StudentBusiness, UNCW
Investigation of protein-induced formation of lipid domains and their dynamics using fluores...2009Wright, Jenny R.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Individual distinctiveness, short- and long-term comparisons, and context specific rates of ...2009Williams, Lynne ElizabethStudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
The impact of writing on student achievement2009Waring, Jennifer W.StudentEducation, UNCW
In good times and in bad : emotional quality of relationship-defining memory predicts qualit...2009Vick, Stephanie CarolynStudentPsychology, UNCW
Is a word to the wise sufficient? character education in public secondary schools2009Urban, Scott H.StudentEducation, UNCW
Internal Bore Evolution across the Shelf near Pt. Sal, California, Interpreted as a Gravity ...2021Suanda, Sutara FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
An integrated taxonomic assessment of North Carolina Polysiphonia (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) s...2009Stuercke, Brooke StudentMarine Science, UNCW
Integrated Virtual Learning Environment for Cybersecurity (IVLE4C)2022Stoker, Geoff FacultyCongdon School, UNCW
The influence of training structure and instructions on generalized stimulus equivalence cla...2009Stanley, Kelly N.StudentPsychology, UNCW
Influence of habitat complexity in structuring species-specific interactions and trophic lin...2009Sonnier, Joseph M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Impact of sediment resuspension and photochemistry on dissolved organic carbon and copper sp...2009Smith, Michelle LeighStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Iron speciation in coastal rainwater : oxidation kinetics and organic complexation2009Smith, Bernard JasonStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
The influence of the Cape Fear River on characteristics of shelf sediments in Long Bay, Nort...2009Slattery, Michael P.StudentEarth Sciences, UNCW
Introduction to the themed issue: Furthering the education profession: partnerships in actio...2018Sikma, Lynn FacultyEarly Childhood, Elementary, Middle, Literacy, UNCW
It's a big old goofy world view : John Prine as a modern-day Mark Twain2009Ruwe, Michael J.StudentEnglish, UNCW
Influences of major storm events on backbarrier salt marsh change : Masonboro Island, Southe...2009Reimer, Beth A.StudentEarth Sciences, UNCW
Internet filtering companies with religious affiliations in the context of Indiana public li...2008Radom, Rachel FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Increasing the Accuracy of Runoff and Streamflow Simulation in the Nzoia Basin,Western Kenya...2017Pricope, Narcisa FacultyEarth and Ocean Sciences, UNCW
The influence of nonprofit financing and operations on the acquisition of unrestricted and r...2023Prentice, Christopher FacultyCenter for Social Impact, UNCW
Increasing Adolescent Sexual Activity Screening Through a Provider-Based Intervention2024Peterson, Matthew FacultyNursing, UNCW
Information literacy faculty fellows program : Building a faculty-librarian framework commun...2019Pemberton, Anne FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
Infinite possibilities for learning in a virtual world: Second Life2008Pemberton, Anne FacultyWilliam Madison Randall Library, UNCW
"In the end its all nice" : Sara's addiction, television, and self-mediation in Hubert Selby...2009Payseur, James DerekStudentEnglish, UNCW