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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Development of a theory-based intervention to increase children's understanding of health2009McCullough, Mary BethStudentPsychology, UNCW
Development of a sensitive [delta]¹5 N analysis for photopigments2009Ballew, Nicolas D.StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Development of microsatellites for the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians (Lamarck), with app...2009Hemond, Elizabeth M.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Development of a complementary chemiluminescence/HPLC method for predicting the chemical fat...2009Jones, Jennifer Ruth MillerStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Developing and implementing a scale to assess attitudes regarding transsexuality2009Swanstrom, Nova A.StudentPsychology, UNCW
Determining the relationship between destination brand image and its components with intenti...2009Gras, Megan K.StudentBusiness, UNCW
Determining optimal architecture for dynamic linear models in time series applications2009Karlon, Kathleen MaryStudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Determination of single and competitive binary absorption isotherms for R and S optical isom...2009Beddoe, Jennifer LStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Determinants of exchange rates: the case of the Chilean peso 2009Zwanger, Sebastian StudentBusiness, UNCW
Detection, diversity, and activity on anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (Anammox) in the...2009Dale, Olivia R.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
A detailed analysis of the effects of methamphetamine on schedule-controlled responding in p...2009Bennet, J. AdamStudentPsychology, UNCW
Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Municipal Water Quality Dashboard2024Monschein, Carson FacultyUNCW
Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Municipal Water Quality Dashboard2024Layman, Lucas FacultyComputer Science, UNCW
Design and synthesis of DNA minor groove methylating compounds that target pancreatic 7-cell...2009McIver, Andrew StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Design and synthesis of DNA minor groove methylating compounds that target estrogen receptor...2009Lynch, Tera L. StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCW
Deploying to Protect: The Effect of Peacekeeping Troop Deployments on Violence Against Civil...2019Phayal, Anup FacultyPublic and International Affairs, UNCW
Democracy in action: A case study of InternetforEveryone.org2009Gay, Katie StudentSociology and Criminology, UNCW
Defying domesticity: Steinbeck's critique of gender politics of the postwar generation in Ea...2009Woods, Danielle StudentEnglish, UNCW
Defensive synergy : the antipredatory role of glass spicules in Caribbean demosponges2009Jones, Adam C.StudentBiology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Deconstructing Tryon Palace : exploring the colonial revival in twentieth century New Bern, ...2009Barnes, Jeanne L.StudentHistory, UNCW
The dead speak: A case study from the tiwa tribe highlighting the hybrid world of sakta tant...2017Borkataky-Varma, Sravana FacultyPhilosophy and Religion, UNCW
Data mining cDNA microarray experiment with a GEE approach2009Wu, Meng StudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Data augmentation based methods for estimating the parameters of the Feller-Pareto Distribut...2024Ghosh, Indranil FacultyMathematics and Statistics, UNCW
Data assimilation sensitivity experiments in the East Auckland Current system using 4D-Var2023Suanda, Sutara FacultyPhysics and Physical Oceanography, UNCW
Data Analytics of Building Automation Systems: A Case Study2018Dogan, Gulustan FacultyComputer Science and Information Systems, UNCW