Decker, Dr. Teagan


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An Investigation into the Transition from the High School to the College Setting for Students Who Speak Lumbee Vernacular English 2018 446 There is a belief that some English dialects are superior to others, and regional dialects that differ from the standard are often seen as corrupt forms of language. In the educational system, educators’ lack of knowledge regarding linguistic diversi...
An Investigation into the Transition from the High School to the College Setting for Students Who Speak Lumbee Vernacular English 2018 446 There is a belief that some English dialects are superior to others, and regional dialects that differ from the standard are often seen as corrupt forms of language. In the educational system, educators’ lack of knowledge regarding linguistic diversi...
Police Technology: An Investigation into the Benefits for Law Enforcement 2018 575 The police must perform their duties every hour of each day during the year. While they have been able to complete their responsibilities in the past, they have become more efficient due to technological advancements. Such technological advancements ...