Structuralism and the Quest for a Scientific Criticism

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Stephen R. Yarbrough, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site:

Abstract: The term "structuralism" can be broadly construed. It can include the thought of critics as widely diverse as Frye, Jameson, and Barthes. In one sense, to be classified as a structuralist all one has to believe is that a text should be considered as a whole, or as a part of a whole, and that the meaning of a text is determined by the relation of part to part and part to whole. If we accept this definition, then most of what we now call criticism can be labeled as kinds of structuralism. From this point of view, Jacques Derrida's claim that all of Western thought is structural makes some sense.

Additional Information

New Orleans Review 12: 94-100
Language: English
Date: 1985
Structuralism, scientific criticism, intrinsic theorists

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