A cross-validation of the Welsh origence-intelligence keys for the strong vocational interest blank

UNCG Author/Contributor (non-UNCG co-authors, if there are any, appear on document)
Minta M. Saunders (Creator)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG )
Web Site: http://library.uncg.edu/
Jean Spruill

Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to cross-validate Welsh's keys for scoring the Strong Vocational Interest Blank for Men. Welsh hypothesizes that the keys will identify and predict a subject's relative standing, high (Hi) or low (Lo), on the dimensions of origence (O), or creativity, and intelligence (I). Independent measures of origence and intelligence were obtained on 117 Ss, and on the basis of these measures Ss were identified as being in one of four quadrant combinations, Lo O, Lo I; Hi O, Lo I; Lo O, Hi I; or Hi O, Hi I. A chi-square analysis of the agreement between the Ss' independent measures (relative standing on O and I) and their placement on the Welsh-Strong keys in one of the four quadrants was significantly different from chance (. 05 level) for the Lo O, Lo I, and Hi O, Lo I combinations. A binomial test also showed significant agreement ( p < . 01) for the Hi O, Hi I combination. No results could be reported for the key which identifies Lo O, Hi I Ss as there were no Ss assigned to that quadrant by the independent measures. Also, it should be noted that an N of 7 for the Hi O, Hi I Ss is too small to determine validity. The results of the present study do indicate, however, that the keys have some concurrent validity and suggest that the study warrants replication.

Additional Information

Language: English
Date: 1968

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