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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Growth made by a group of girls in appreciation of beauty of surroundings and human relation...1941Rhyne, Madge M.StudentHome Economics, UNCG
Group self motivation in handwriting1943Owen, Blanche HedgecockStudentEducation, UNCG
The Greek philosophy of physical education in ancient Athens as compared with the philosophy...1949Kesler, Ethel StudentPhysical Education/Health and Human Performance, UNCG
G. B. S. pamphleteer or playwright?1956Long, Joyce StudentEnglish, UNCG
General music in the junior high school1962Varnum, Carolyn C.StudentMusic, UNCG
Going steady among eighth-, tenth- and twelfth-grade youth1964Everett, Ann BostonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
The growing season1964Speas, Jan CoxStudentEnglish, UNCG
Glenwar Wescott's Apartment in Athens : a novel of instruction and revelation1965Angle, Claire FrankStudentEnglish, UNCG
Geographical mobility and academic achievement of a group of ninth grade junior high school ...1966Stegall, Mary LivingstonStudentHome Economics, UNCG
A graphic presentation of the spatio/structural relationships in the development of the tree...1969Florance, Sheila KarenStudentArt, UNCG
G. C. Simkins et al. v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital et al. : a landmark decision1969Connelly, Michale KarnesStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Growth of larvae of Plathemis Lydia Drury as influenced by controlled photoperiod and temper...1970Shepard, Lucille JamesStudentBiology, UNCG
Gide's quest for authenticity1970Smith, William HenryStudentRomance Languages-French, UNCG
A generalization of the field of fractions of an integral domain1970Michaud, Robert EugeneStudentMathematics, UNCG
A generalization of torsion to modules1971Bennett, Frances AnnStudentMathematics, UNCG
Guest preferences for facilities and room design features of twenty resorts in Northern Wisc...1971Littlefield, Ardala EverellStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Genetic Experiments with Animal Learning: A Critical Review1972Wahlsten, Douglas FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Game rules and morality1972Weiblen, Joyce H.StudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Gagliardi1973Bohen, Michael StudentEnglish, UNCG
Gasper Zappula and other stories1973Hildebrandt, Hugo JohnStudentEnglish, UNCG
Generic relationships of extant cats : an electrophoretic study of blood proteins1974Hodgson, Betsy GobbleStudentBiology, UNCG
Group methods for reducing racial prejudice and discrimination1974Breckheimer, Steven EdwinStudentPsychology, UNCG
Geographic mobility and religious attitudes1974Macdonald, Ruth WaldrupeStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Gaining ground1975Seabrooke, Deborah StudentEnglish, UNCG
Genesis : into being1975Stenhouse, Richard WearnStudentArt, UNCG