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There are 45 record/s using the keyword/s: substance use.

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
AD/HD and adolescent substance use: the impact of subtype, parenting practices, and conduct ...2010Benson, Jessica W.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Patterns of behavioral adjustment...1991Anastopoulos, Arthur D.FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Patterns of behavioral adjustment...1991Ackerman, Terry A.FacultyEducational Research Methodology, UNCG
Advancing a participatory approach for youth risk behavior: Foundations, distinctions, and r...2013Yang, Zhiyong FacultyMarketing, UNCG
Alcohol and Cigarette Free: Examining Social Influences on Substance Use Abstinence among Bl...2011Nichols, Tracy R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Association between HIV care and the syndemic burden of intravenous drug use, mental health,...2022Williams Faller, Rachel E.StudentPublic Health Education, UNCG
Commentary on Reuter et al. - Data triangulation for substance abuse research2021Van Hasselt, Martijn FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Coverage of Adolescent Substance Use Prevention in State Frameworks for Health Education2001Wyrick, David L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Coverage of Adolescent Substance Use Prevention in State Frameworks for Health Education2001Bibeau, Daniel L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
D.A.R.E./Keepin’ It REAL Elementary Curriculum: Substance Use Outcomes2023Wyrick, David L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
D.A.R.E./Keepin’ It REAL Elementary Curriculum: Substance Use Outcomes2023Kelly, Samantha FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
D.A.R.E./Keepin’ It REAL Elementary Curriculum: Substance Use Outcomes2023Beamon, Emily R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Delinquency and the Structure of Adolescent Peer Groups2011Rulison, Kelly L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
The effects of substance use and physical activity on prospective memory in young adults2021Kibildis, Samuel W.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Evaluation of a Faith-Based Culturally Relevant Program for African American Substance Users...2007Rasch, Randolph "Randy"FacultyNursing, UNCG
Feelings of inferiority: A first attempt to define the construct empirically2018Wester, Kelly L.FacultyCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Guest Editorial: Mental Illness in Older Adults2010Shattell, Mona M.FacultyNursing, UNCG
Integrated Recovery Management Model for Ex-Offenders With Co-Occurring Mental Health and Su...2013Rasch, Randolph "Randy"FacultyNursing, UNCG
An internalizing pathway to alcohol and substance use disorders2011Stein, Gabriela L. FacultyPsychology, UNCG
Is culturally-based prevention effective? Results from a 3-year tribal substance use prevent...2018Kelley, Allyson L.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
Joint utility estimators in substance use disorders2017Bray, Jeremy W.FacultyEconomics, UNCG
Long-Term Effects of Parenting Practices During Adolescence on Well-Being Outcomes in Young ...2001Supple, Andrew "Andy"FacultyHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Lunchtime Practices and Problem Behaviors Among Multiethnic Urban Youth2009Nichols, Tracy R.FacultyPublic Health Education, UNCG
More than a number : measuring ‘success’ in substance use treatment2022Trustey, Caroline E.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
Neighborhood Moderation of Sensation Seeking Effects on Adolescent Substance Use Initiation2017Jensen, Michaeline FacultyPsychology, UNCG