Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - N

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
A national survey of athletic training educators' academic role strain, role orientation, an...2007Charles-Liscombe, Robert SStudentKinesiology, UNCG
The nature of human movement : a philosophical interpretation delineated from Neo-Confuciani...1978Charpio, Donald JosephStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
Ninth graders' expectancy-value motivation, energy-balance knowledge, and physical activity2011Chen, Senlin StudentKinesiology, UNCG
NC laboratory school principals’ efforts to implement culturally responsive parent, family, ...2023Chestnut, Catina S.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
Nanostructured surface induced transcriptome response in Candida albicans2022Chivukula, Lakshmi Gayitri StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Neuropsychological functioning in individuals at-risk for schizophrenia : a multidimensiona...2006Chok, James T.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Nurse-led Hypertension Clinic in Primary Care2023Cichowicz, Christa StudentNursing, UNCG
Names in Toni Morrison's novels : connections1994Clayton, Jane BurrisStudentEnglish, UNCG
Nation, region, and power in the Southern abject heterotopia2022Compton, Benjamin S.F.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Nutritional status of nongravid female adolescents, their knowledge, and attitudes about pre...1982Condit, Mary GaridelStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Norman Herzberg: An Icon of Bassoon Pedagogy2008Cope Lowe, Carol LoraineStudentMusic, UNCG
Negro disfranchisement in North Carolina : the politics of race in a southern state1973Cotten, Jerry WayneStudentHistory, UNCG
Nietzsche, Mann, and Modernism: a framework for morality in Raymond Chandler's detective fic...2019Coulter, Caitlin BrookeStudentEnglish, UNCG
Non-commercial use of soy protein products as extenders for ground beef1976Dale, Margot LucileStudentHome Economics, UNCG
Nineteenth-Century Whaling and the Environment: An Exploration of the Cultural Influences on...2021Davidson, Matthew StudentEnglish, UNCG
A new method for creating a visual plant identification key2015Dellinger-Johnston, Rebecca A.StudentBiology, UNCG
NEural models for ontology annotations - NEMO2022Devkota, Pratik StudentComputer Science, UNCG
Numerical analysis of the kinetic theory of sound propagation in a simple monatomic gas1975Dharmapala, Aparna StudentPhysics, UNCG
Nietzsche and the Limitations of the Will to Power2024Doshi, Meet StudentPolitical Science, UNCG
The Neurosciences and Music Education: An Online Database of Neuromusical Brain Imaging Rese...2008Edwards, Richard D.StudentMusic, UNCG
The new child : a collection of poems1965Eidam, Sylvia StudentEnglish, UNCG
North Carolina high school football first responders' perceived knowledge and their likeliho...2010Eilbacher, Craig A.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
A novel method for the selective elimination of HIV infected cells: dexamethasone and procai...2011Elbourakadi, Najoua StudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
A notion of human space1975Elliott, Teresa AnnStudentArt, UNCG
N.C. community college/industry interactions : present status and future possibilities1989Ellis, Martha ShieldsStudentEducation, UNCG