Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - N

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
The noncrossing poset and topological indices of finite graphs2024Farmer, Charles MatthewStudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Nutrient desposition and drought effects on arthropod herbivore damage in longleaf pine sava...2024Mann, William T.StudentBiology, UNCG
Native American music instruction in the elementary general music classroom2024Razo, Dalila E.StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Nietzsche and the Limitations of the Will to Power2024Doshi, Meet StudentPolitical Science, UNCG
Navigating renewable energy markets in Saudi Arabia : residential rooftop solar panels and p...2024Alwulayi, Sami A.StudentGeography, UNCG
Neuromotor and electrocortical activity characteristics of dynamic postural control2023Palazzolo, John MatthewStudentKinesiology, UNCG
Nurse-led Hypertension Clinic in Primary Care2023Cichowicz, Christa StudentNursing, UNCG
NC laboratory school principals’ efforts to implement culturally responsive parent, family, ...2023Chestnut, Catina S.StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
A new approach to Mandarin Chinese lyric diction in choral music2023Song, Pingyi StudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Nanostructure-biofilm interactions : a study of Candida albicans biofilm behaviors on differ...2023Shah, Snehal StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Naturally mindful : piloting nature-based mindfulness training for college students with anx...2023Vitagliano, Luke A.StudentCounseling and Educational Development, UNCG
NEural models for ontology annotations - NEMO2022Devkota, Pratik StudentComputer Science, UNCG
Negative emotion differentiation and related processes : a qualitative approach2022Lunsford, Jaimie M.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Nurses’ experiences caring for patients with opioid use disorders2022Messer, April StudentNursing, UNCG
New leads against drug-resistant organisms : shifting the focus in discovery towards rapid p...2022Winter, Heather LynStudentChemistry and Biochemistry, UNCG
Nursing Presence Enhancement Using the CALM Scale for Pain Assessment in Laboring Women2022Marzbani , Emily K.StudentNursing, UNCG
No change in brain function or cognition following acute exercise in young adults with compa...2022Johnson, Megan N.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Neurodevelopmental Evaluation in a Neonatal Follow Up Clinic2022McManus, Laura StudentNursing, UNCG
Noise Reduction in the Operating Room2022Pulliam, Elizabeth CobleStudentNursing, UNCG
Navigating sexual challenges across relationship development2022Brady, Ashlyn StudentPsychology, UNCG
Nanostructured surface induced transcriptome response in Candida albicans2022Chivukula, Lakshmi Gayitri StudentJoint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, UNCG
Nation, region, and power in the Southern abject heterotopia2022Compton, Benjamin S.F.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Narratives of political struggle in Frederic Rzewski’s Four Pieces2022Lott,, Walton AlexanderStudentSchool of Music, UNCG
Narrow-stencil finite difference methods for linear second order elliptic problems of non-di...2021Ward, Kellie MarieStudentMathematics and Statistics, UNCG
Nineteenth-Century Whaling and the Environment: An Exploration of the Cultural Influences on...2021Davidson, Matthew StudentEnglish, UNCG