Browse Theses, Dissertations, or other Student Work by Title - N

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TitleDateCreatorPublication TypeInstitution
Near-continuous functions and near-continuous homotopy1972Goolsby, Ronnie ChristianStudentMathematics, UNCG
Nebula 20721973Wikle, Kathy SmithStudentHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, UNCG
“Necessary fictions”: authorship and transethnic identity in contemporary American narrative...2015Milne, Leah A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
The need to belong: an exploration of belonging among urban middle school students2017Stickl, Jamie E.StudentCounseling and Counselor Education, UNCG
Needs assessment of motor proficiency and health-related fitness for children conducted in c...1985McCormick, Mickie RunnetteStudentHealth, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, UNCG
Negative emotion differentiation and related processes : a qualitative approach2022Lunsford, Jaimie M.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Negative parent interaction and the student affairs professional2009Rouse, Sandra A.StudentTeacher Education and Higher Education, UNCG
Negative self-perceptions in preadolescence: the role of parental hostility and peer victimi...2018Lorenzo, Jessica A.StudentPsychology, UNCG
Negotiating masculinity within prison2009Hefner, Mary KristenStudentSociology, UNCG
Negotiating normativity: the disruptive wonder of subversive giants : and, Embracing ambigui...2020Patrick, Ariel A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Negotiating violence at the feast in medieval British texts2016Elmes, Melissa RidleyStudentEnglish, UNCG
Negotiations of race, class, and gender among Afro-Latina women immigrants to the southern U...2015Hines-Gaither, Krishauna StudentEducational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, UNCG
The negritude poets and their critics : a literary assessment and implications for education...1978Latimer, Georgie BlancheStudentEducation, UNCG
The Negro and the struggle for equal opportunity in Greensboro, May-July, 19631970Stuber, Robert WarrenStudentHistory and Political Science, UNCG
Negro disfranchisement in North Carolina : the politics of race in a southern state1973Cotten, Jerry WayneStudentHistory, UNCG
Neighborhood associations: security and hospitality in American suburban fiction2013George, Joseph A.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Neighborhood disadvantage, parenting, and obesity in the transition from adolescence to youn...2016Irby, Megan B.StudentHuman Development and Family Studies, UNCG
Neither recurrent hypoglycemia nor chronic aerobic training alter the content of MCTs in the...2016Oberlin, Douglas J.StudentKinesiology, UNCG
Nemasket river myths2010Zinkowski, Michael C.StudentEnglish, UNCG
Neonatal feeding skills in preterm infants and the relationship to speech and expressive lan...2016Mabe, Betty StudentCommunication Sciences and Disorders, UNCG
Neonatologists' judgments regarding medical treatment for disabled newborns with life-threat...1990Chalnick, Maria KappenStudentHuman Environmental Sciences, UNCG
Network science and the effects of music on the human brain2015Wilkins, Robin W.StudentGateway MRI Center, UNCG
Networking in curriculum planning : the development and application of a model1984Simmons, Robert DaleStudentEducation, UNCG
NEural models for ontology annotations - NEMO2022Devkota, Pratik StudentComputer Science, UNCG
Neurodevelopmental Evaluation in a Neonatal Follow Up Clinic2022McManus, Laura StudentNursing, UNCG