Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Parental Cancer: The Parent-Child Bond at Risk |
2008 |
5005 |
Within the field of psycho-oncology, it has become increasingly apparent that cancer not only affects the patient, but disrupts the entire family unit, particularly adolescent children. The goal of the current study was to take the next step in this ... |
Assessing the perceived applicability of Barkley's Defiant Teens Manual to African American and European American families |
2008 |
8658 |
African American adolescent males are being diagnosed with externalizing behavior disorders more than any other group. However, there is a dearth of studies that addresses psychosocial treatment for African American adolescent males with these behavi... |
The Interaction of Temperament and Childhood Sexual Abuse in Predicting Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder |
2008 |
3581 |
This study examined how two of Rothbart's temperament variables (Rothbart & Derryberry, 1981), negative affect and effortful control, along with childhood sexual abuse, (CSA) predict borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms. It was hypothesized... |
The spectrum of bulimic behaviors and attitudes and the Five factor model of personality |
2007 |
2351 |
Bulimia Nervosa is a serious and often debilitating mental disorder conceptualized as an endpoint along the spectrum of eating disorders, which ranges from normal eating and no preoccupation with weight to clinical eating disorders. Presently, little... |
BIS, BAS, and bias: the role of personality and cognition in social anxiety |
2009 |
4166 |
The primary objective of the current study was to test the hypothesis that cognitive biases for negative and threatening social information mediate the effect of Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and Behavioral Approach System (BAS) sensitivity on s... |
Reinforcement sensitivity theory, adult AD/HD symptoms, and comorbidity: an examination of pathways based on behavioral approach and inhibition |
2009 |
3845 |
Recent reviews indicate that Hyperactive-Impulsive symptoms associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), which are considered the core symptoms of AD/HD, are caused by relatively distinct etiological pathways. Overactive behavior... |
The interaction of borderline personality disorder symptoms and relationship satisfaction in predicting positive and negative affect |
2011 |
4015 |
Previous research suggests that the quality of current relationships may have prognostic significance for individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The goal of this study was to examine the impact of the interaction of BPD symptoms and ... |
You hurt me, i'll hurt you: the prediction of aggression based on the interaction between an ego threat, fragile high self-esteem, and narcissistic traits |
2011 |
3148 |
Previous research has produced inconsistent findings in terms of how self-esteem relates to aggressive behavior. Some studies have found that high self-esteem predicts aggression while others have found that low self-esteem predicts aggression. The p... |
An examination of the relationships among personality traits, perceived parenting styles, and narcissism |
2010 |
5910 |
Narcissism has been a subject of interest to psychologists for over 100 years, yet it remains a mysterious and puzzling phenomenon. There is general agreement that a) narcissism can be viewed as a dimensional construct, and b) high levels of narcissi... |
The roles of reinforcement sensitivity and cognitive appraisals in predicting coping strategies |
2012 |
2107 |
The stress and coping literature has neglected to evaluate fully personality variables in the coping process. The behavioral approach and behavioral inhibition systems may affect cognitive appraisals of stressors and coping responses. This study eval... |
Responses to social rejection: the role of borderline personality disorder traits |
2014 |
1677 |
The present study examined how people with BPD traits respond to social rejection, using a reliving task as the manipulation of social rejection. In addition, this study examined how rejection sensitivity and BPD traits differentially influence respo... |
Borderline personality disorder traits, social rejection, and risky behavior |
2016 |
1103 |
The current study examined the moderating effect of social rejection on the association between borderline personality disorder (BPD) traits, assessed dimensionally, and risk-taking behavior. Undergraduate participants (n = 195) were randomly assigne... |
The role of cognitive appraisals in the relationship between reinforcement sensitivity and coping strategies |
2016 |
842 |
Previous research in the stress and coping literature has not fully addressed the role of biologically-based personality systems in the prediction of coping behaviors. As a biologically-derived theory of personality, Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory ... |
The implications of reinforcement sensitivity theory for depression and anxiety |
2006 |
1794 |
"The current study examined the implications of Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory for internalizing psychopathology. Previous research indicates that low activation of the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) predicts depression and high activati... |
Neuroticism and cognitive constructs as risk factors for repeated episodes of self-injurious behavior |
2013 |
1674 |
The current project proposed a model to predict repeated episodes of self-injurious behavior (RSIB) integrating the personality variable of neuroticism, and the cognitive factors of a ruminative thinking style and SIB-specific cognitive content. Stud... |
Why nonsuicidal self-injury?: examining the validity of steps of a decisional model of nonsuicidal self-injury under distress |
2013 |
2652 |
The most common reason for Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) is to reduce distress (Klonsky, 2007), yet it is unclear why people decide to use NSSI to reduce distress on a specific occasion. This study tested separate steps of a decision making model (a... |
Personality, attentional control, and borderline personality traits |
2014 |
434055 |
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe psychopathological condition characterized by extreme emotion dysregulation. The study examines how reactive and regulative temperament variables are associated with BPD traits in a nonclinical sample... |
Fear of abandonment, borderline personality features, and attitudes regarding Intimate Partner Victimization |
2016 |
3439 |
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by unstable interpersonal relationships and frantic efforts to avoid abandonment (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Intimate partner victimization (IPV) is overrepresented within the roman... |
Reinforcement sensitivity, cognitive biases, stressful life events, and depression symptoms |
2011 |
2380 |
The current study examines the interrelationships of personality, cognitive biases, and stressful life events in the prediction of depression. Previous research has indicated that personality factors of Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (Gray &... |
`Birds of a feather flock together' or `opposites attract'?: characterizing the romantic partners of individuals exhibiting borderline personality disorder traits using a dimensional personality model |
2014 |
3159 |
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is often characterized by “a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 663). There has been limited research, however, to characterize th... |
Affective sharing, friendship, and outcomes among boys with autism spectrum disorders |
2016 |
1178 |
Research among typically developing boys aged 8-12 has found affective sharing to be a key distinguishing characteristic of friendship. However, to date no research exists that further examines and builds upon these findings among boys with Autism Sp... |
Determinants of diagnostic prototypicality judgments of the personality disorders |
1990 |
254 |
The recent advent of the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders represented a major shift from a monothetic to a polythetic system for the categorization of psychopathology. Accompanying this shift has been an incr... |
Dimensions of perfectionism as vulnerability factors for depression in the narcissistic and obsessive-compulsive personalities : a test of a specific diathesis-stress model |
1996 |
393 |
Theoretical and clinical descriptions of narcissistic and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders portray individuals with these disorders as pathologically perfectionistic. Personality dysfunction has been identified as a vulnerability factor fo... |
Daughters of depressed mothers : an examination of self-efficacy and stress reactivity |
1996 |
273 |
The current study investigated whether daughters of depressed mothers differ from daughters of nondepressed mothers in reporting more negative affect in a stressful situation, and in their confidence to successfully overcome a stressor. In addition t... |
"Trigger events" for depressed affect in sociotropic vs. autonomous individuals : a test of the specificity hypothesis |
1994 |
316 |
This study was designed to investigate possible trigger events for depression. The specificity hypothesis states that certain personality types make a person vulnerable to depression when trigger events that match their personality are present. Two p... |
An investigation of diagnostic sex bias for narcissistic personality disorder, in comparison to histrionic and antisocial personality disorders |
1994 |
404 |
The present study investigated diagnostic sex bias. Specifically, the validity of the gender base rate hypothesis (i.e, relying on the gender base rate information provided in the DSM-III-R for differential diagnoses), which has previously been offer... |
The role of empathy in narcissism : an empirical investigation of Heinz Kohut's work |
1994 |
341 |
The present study empirically explored theoretical postulates advanced by Heinz Kohut (1977, 1984) regarding the role of empathy in the development of the narcissistic personality disorder. Individual participants were classified via the questionnair... |
Influence of personality on learning and related processes among nonclinical panickers |
1994 |
403 |
This study examined hypothesized personality-related individual differences in learning and related processes among four groups of participants who differed in presence vs. absence of nonclinical panic attacks and in high vs. low self-reported agorap... |
The effect of internalized homonegativity on the reaction of homosexual men to anti-gay social commentary |
1996 |
261 |
This study measured changes in levels of dysphoria in homosexual males following exposure to a video containing negative social commentary about homosexuals and homosexuality. The primary prediction was that higher levels of internalized homonegativi... |
Sad mood and response inhibition |
2017 |
1195 |
Theories contradict each other by predicting either facilitative or detrimental effects of sad mood on cognitive outcomes. For instance, affect-as-information models hold that sad mood encourages detailed and analytical processing styles, thereby imp... |
The role of anxiety and depressive symptoms in the cognitive functioning of old and young women |
1991 |
215 |
Many studies find age-related differences in cognitive performance. The focus of inquiry in this study is the contextual factors which may influence age-related differences in fluid cognitive performance. Some data suggest that older adults' cognitiv... |
A prosocial manipulation produces increases in positive affect and prosocial behavior, but not related to borderline traits |
2019 |
651 |
This study examined the effects—on mood and subsequent prosocial behavior—of a prosocial behavioral manipulation in individuals who varied in levels of borderline personality disorder traits. Female undergraduate participants (final N = 230) were ran... |
Simulated criticism from a significant other as a precipitating factor for depression in dependent personalities |
1994 |
290 |
The effect of simulated criticism from a significant other on the occurrence of depressed affect in persons with dependent personalities was investigated within an analogue population of college undergraduates. The experimental sample consisted of 80... |
Explicit and implicit memory for affectively valenced material in depression |
1994 |
203 |
Depressed (n=20) and nondepressed (n=24) subjects' memory for affectively valenced words was assessed with either an explicit test (cued recall) or with an implicit test (word fragment completion). Memory cues were held constant across these test con... |
Application of Gray's theory of personality to the DSM-III-R personality disorders : multivariate and behavioral findings |
1993 |
339 |
Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of published reports on the descriptive features associated with the personality disorders. Despite growing recognition of the existence and clinical relevance of these disorders, there has been relatively l... |
The role of learned helplessness in the onset of depression in obsessive compulsive personality disorder |
1994 |
466 |
The characterological predisposition hypothesis posits that certain personality features may predispose certain individuals to depression. The general hypothesis of the present study was that obsessive compulsive personality disordered analogues (giv... |
The impact of repeated exposure and depressive symptom improvement on others |
1995 |
182 |
Research literature suggests that depressed individuals interact with others in such a way that is unpleasant or aversive to others. The present study examined the impact of two contextual variable, repeated exposure to a depressed person and depress... |
An assessment of the social behaviors of depressed children |
1989 |
194 |
Current theoretical models of depression have been developed with the adult depressive in mind. Little attention has been given to the appropriateness of extending these theoretical formulations to the depressed child. Since disturbances in the child... |
An evaluation of the role of irrational cognitions in depression |
1989 |
236 |
Beck's (1979) cognitive theory of depression states that irrational beliefs about the self, the world, and the future are typical characteristics of persons prone to depression. These beliefs are hypothesized to be latent until activated by a stresso... |
Alternative reinforcement and resistance to change |
1991 |
172 |
If alternative reinforcement is given in a context where a target behavior is occurring, the persistence, or resistance to change, of the target behavior increases. In previous reports, it was hypothesized that the discriminative stimulus for the tar... |
Borderline Personality Disorder and Perception of Friendship Quality |
2020 |
1711 |
Perceived friendship quality is an important aspect of physical and mental health (Nicholson, 2012; Pucker et al., 2019). Prior research on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has examined romantic partner relationships, social network quantity, an... |
An examination of prosocial behavior and potential moderating factors in individuals high in borderline personality disorder traits |
2023 |
310 |
The sparse literature concerning prosocial behavior in the context of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) traits would benefit from behavioral studies using ecologically valid paradigms (e.g., volunteer time, charitable donations). Accordingly, thi... |