Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
Exploring the role of romantic competence in borderline personality disorder |
2022 |
283 |
Romantic relationship functioning is a frequent topic of interest in research about borderline personality disorder (BPD). Elevated BPD features tend to contribute to shorter lasting, less satisfying, and more conflictive relationships (Navarro-Gomez... |
The role of mindfulness and positive reappraisal in stress and quality of life |
2022 |
194 |
The Mindfulness-Positive Reappraisal (MPR) Pathways Model for Stress Reduction is a conceptual model (Figure D1) developed by the present author after critically examining existing theoretical and empirical work. It theorizes that through two pathway... |
Clusters of borderline personality disorder traits and functional life outcomes |
2023 |
133 |
Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) experience significant distress in daily life. In order to receive a BPD diagnosis in the DSM-5-TR, individuals must exhibit a minimum of five out of nine diagnostic criteria. This allows for as ... |