Davis, Charles E.


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Romanticism after Eliot : the continuance of the romantic movement in twentieth-century American poetry 1982 808 T. S. Eliot, through his criticism and his poetry, attempted to change the directions of twentieth-century poetry. His aim was to replace the poetry of the continuing Romantic movement with a highly scholarly, allusive poetry that had its foundations...
Names in Toni Morrison's novels : connections 1994 11188 This study examines Toni Morrison's naming within her six novels and demonstrates that although the names function on many levels, overall, they tend to connect her characters to their community and to their heritage. Names are an integral part of Mo...
The motherless child : the absent mother in twentieth-century Southern fiction 1993 5877 Many twentieth-century Southern works feature at least one dead, absent, or incapacitated mother, leaving the child vulnerable but also helping him or her develop maturity and strength. Generally, though, this literature is full of lost children who ...
An edition of "Welcome to our city, a play by Thomas Wolfe 1979 1761 This study presents an edition of "Welcome to Our City," a play written by Thomas Wolfe between 1922 and 1924. In addition to the text of the play, the dissertation includes an introduction and notes to each of the ten scenes. The text of this editio...
From novel to film : a study of To have and have not 1974 338 The purpose of this thesis is to analyze in depth the three versions of To Have and Have Not, the novel written by Ernest Hemingway, the screenplay written by Jules Furthman and William Faulkner and the film directed by Howard Hawks. It is not, howev...
Time in the novels of Eudora Welty 1980 1179 In her essays and stories, and particularly in her novels, Eudora Welty examines how human beings relate to time. Miss Welty's concern with time is reflected in the imagery, structure, and theme of her novels, and indeed should be viewed as crucial t...
The gentle hero in the Victorian novel : Thackeray, George Eliot & Dickens 1991 1339 The purpose of this study is to identify and define a character type that recurs in English literature from Chaucer to the present but that has its most complete development in the fiction of the Victorian period. This character type is the gentle he...
Toward a triadic theory of Walker Percy : a semiotic reading of the novels 1992 1606 The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between Walker Percy's work in linguistic theory and his fiction. An investigative apparatus was distilled from Percy's essay "Toward a Triadic Theory of Meaning" and applied to the language b...
Self and society : the dialectic of themes and forms in the novels of Carson McCullers 1976 750 This study provides an understanding of Carson McCullers' novels that spans the traditional distinction between the romance and the realistic novel and questions her image as a stereotypically "feminine" author. Support for such an approach is provid...