Clarke, Ben


There are 8 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
“Scope for elbow and mind”: industrial labor and working-class culture in the nonfiction of Jack Hilton AND “To pick out for oneself, to choose”: Ezra Pound, Carl Schmitt, and the poetics of sovereignty 2017 789 Jack Hilton was a working-class author who frequently expressed ambivalent attitudes toward modernity and industrialism. He often seems nostalgic for a pre-industrial past, yet simultaneously acknowledges the material benefits of industrialism and th...
Democratic experiments: Irish literature between nationalism and modernism 2017 829 The purpose of this research is to examine how literature acts democratically to represent individuals in relation to each other, the nation, and the British Empire. As Ireland’s political system shifted from colony to commonwealth to independent rep...
Queer kairos: resistance, resilience, and hope AND Queer assemblage in Running with scissors 2019 447 Drawing from Erin Rand’s argument in Reclaiming Queer: Activist and Academic Rhetorics of Resistance, I detail the resistant manner in which queer emerged in national and academic realms within the late twentieth century. This political and rhetorica...
Everyday movements of errantry 2019 2184 Everyday Movements of Errantry examines Édouard Glissant’s theory of errantry, defined as sacred wanderings which result in the development of relational identities, as a means of diminishing Othering practices that occur across various aspects of id...
“I want to hide my body inside of yours”: grotesque female consumption in Alexandra Kleeman and Sarah Rose Etter AND “I don’t know if you’re a detective or a pervert”: voyeuristic pleasure and disgust in Blue velvet 2020 441 This paper examines the role of consumption in Alexandra Kleeman’s You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine and Sarah Rose Etter’s The Book of X to argue that capitalism plays a dangerous role in A and Cassie’s sense of identity by entangling their bodies w...
Rejecting the empowered reader: re-claiming authorial agency in twenty-first century, avant-garde fiction 2016 2690 This dissertation analyzes twenty-first century British avant-garde fiction and argues that a defining literary issue is the shifting dynamic between writers and readers. In particular, the dissertation examines avant-garde authors and the ways in wh...
Transference and countertransference : Freud’s therapeutic frame in narratives of psychotherapy 2022 1202 My project analyzes an innate symbiosis between the fields of literature and psychoanalysis through the workings of transference within narratives of psychotherapy. In the texts I examine (e.g. Tender is the Night, Portnoy’s Complaint, The White Hote...
“Either way I’m demoted to a tiny cubicle :” a traumatic encounter with office work, bureaucracy, and the culture industry in contemporary American fiction 2022 604 This dissertation uses trauma theory, theories of labor, bureaucracy, and late capitalism, as well as critical theory to analyze contemporary office work in the US, revealing an interrelated system of cultural and economic oppression and trauma for t...