Clark, Dwight F.


There are 11 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
A coordinating framework for wellness care 1981 293 A wellness movement is rapidly evolving outside of the recognized professions. This is evidenced by the growing popularity of non-traditional ways of seeking total wellbeing, such as natural nutrition, the use of vitamins and herbs, exercise, meditat...
Teacher professional development : a plan for multi-agency collaboration 1984 357 The problem on which this study focused was the improvement of teacher professional development. The study had two focal points: a review of existing programs of multi-agency collaborative efforts and the development of a plan of collaboration for te...
Behavioral and humanistic curriculum models : a dilemma-reconciliation approach 1981 684 The purpose of this dissertation is to describe an emerging psychological synthesis and its relation to significant curricular dilemmas. It proposes that it is useful to treat curricular questions from a unified and broader perspective and to deal wi...
Marketing techniques applied to energy conservation 1980 432 The purpose of this study is to review the nature of the controversy on the scope of marketing; to determine whether marketing techniques and tools can be applied to a social problem in a nonbusiness enterprise—in this case, education; and to analyze...
The legality of teacher dismissals for immorality 1976 477 Most states list immorality as a statutory cause for teacher dismissal. Under the authority of state statutes, school boards are the legal agents in employing teachers and in determining what conduct constitutes immorality as a basis for dismissal. D...
An investigation of the professed characteristics and backgrounds of women in managerial positions in Guilford County, North Carolina 1983 383 The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the professed characteristics and backgrounds of women in managerial positions. Two secondary purposes were (a) to determine the extent to which commonalities in perceived attributes, skills, or ot...
Alternative schooling in North Carolina, 1977-1981 1982 335 The major purpose of this descriptive study was to provide information about the initiation and implementation of public alternative schooling in North Carolina. The study population consisted of the 144 public school districts in North Carolina and ...
Lifelong learning : the state of the field 1984 193 The study defined lifelong learning. The study was needed because of the confusion and conflict existing in the literature and in programming which carries the label of lifelong learning. The methodology involved a critical analysis of the literature...
An examination of Gateways : a citizen participation organization emphasizing citizen involvement in the setting of goals in Greensboro, North Carolina 1978 442 The purpose of this dissertation was to examine Gateways, a citizen participation organization in Greensboro, North Carolina, as it was developed and implemented by the citizens of the community. The primary emphasis in this citizen participation eff...
A description of satisfactory principal leadership from the perspective of teachers 1984 262 The purpose of this research was to develop a description of satisfactory principal leadership from the perspectives of teachers. A review of the literature defined leadership as "the ordering and structuring of human activity, in relation to an iden...
A study of the feasibility of employing cable television in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County public schools 1972 316 It was the purpose of the study to investigate the feasibility of employing cable television in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Public Schools. Relevant literature and research findings were reviewed concerning the nature and educational benefits of...