Cheney, Gay E.


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Two perceptions of the purposes, aesthetic concepts, and background for writing dance criticism according to selected literature and Washington, D.C. dance critics 1981 548 This investigation described the components of dance criticism, the aesthetic concepts guiding the viewing of theatrical dance performance, and the identification of certain aspects of education, experience, or training needed to write dance criticis...
The teaching of dance : a characterization of dance teacher behaviors in technique and choreography classes at the university level 1979 350 The study intended to characterize dance teacher behaviors as observed in two choreography and two technique classes at the university level. The characterization was made in terms of verbal and nonverbal behaviors, the directness and indirectness of...
Expert determination of knowledge and skills essential to the elementary classroom teacher for the instruction of creative dance 1978 367 It was the purpose of this study to determine, by a survey of expert opinions, the minimum knowledge and skills which are needed by the elementary classroom teacher for the teaching of dance to children, both as a separate and as an integrated activi...
The effects of varying amounts of creative modern dance activities on creative-thinking ability and self-concept 1978 348 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect varying amounts of creative modern dance activities had on subjects' creative-thinking abilities and self-concepts. The subproblems of this study were as follows: 1. To determine if varying amou...
A philosophical comparison of the goals of dance education and humanistic education 1977 272 It was the purpose of this study to investigate the compatibility, based upon the humanistic principles, of the goals of dance education and humanistic education. It was hypothesized that if such a compatibility exists, there would be significant imp...