Charles, Amy M.


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
"An harmony of parts" : image and logic in the poetry of Edward, Lord Herbert of Chirbury 1981 2590 The purpose of this study was to explore the combination of logic and image in the poetry of Edward, Lord Herbert of Chirbury. Herbert's poems were found to be tightly constructed arguments whose imagery is embodied in tropes and schemes that build u...
A plain watch : a study of Henry Vaughan's use of time in Silex scintellans 1962 3349 Henry Vaughan: The Man in His Time Wanting to find out more about himself and the world he finds himself in, Man has searched differently in each age. Some generations have looked for an explanation in science, some in religion; but the seventeenth c...
Andrew Marvell : the most eclectic poet 1964 2534 The poetry of Andrew Marvell reflects all the literary styles and manners that illuminated his seventeenth-century milieu. Refracting rather than mirroring sources and influences, his work projects no single ray. Instead, like the soul in "The Garden...
The concept of rest in the poetry of George Herbert 1968 616 The title page of the 1633 edition of The Temple,1 the final collection of George Herbert's poems, contains a quotation from Psalm 29, "In his Temple doth every man speak of his honour," which implies that Herbert intended The Temple as a eulogy of G...
Balance and counterbalance in Andrew Marvell's pastoral poems 1977 1060 It was the purpose of this study to examine in a selection of Andrew Marvell's lyric poems, various aspects of temporal life against the background of the Elizabethan concept of universal cosmic order. The poems included in the selection are "The Gar...