Chalhoub-Deville, Micheline


There are 5 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
An examination of the impact of residuals and residual covariance structures on scores for next generation, mixed-format, online assessments with the existence of potential irrelevant dimensions under various calibration strategies 2017 3725 In general, newer educational assessments are deemed more demanding challenges than students are currently prepared to face. Two types of factors may contribute to the test scores: (1) factors or dimensions that are of primary interest to the constru...
Exploring aberrant responses using group response functions 2020 434 The purpose of this study was to investigate the utility of empirical group response functions (GRFs) for contextualizing aberrant responses in educational test data. A GRF illustrates the functional relationship between expected item proportion corr...
Enhancing diagnostic feedback in a K-12 language assessment: an exploration of diagnostic classification models for the reading domain 2020 197 Various stakeholders, such as educators, and policy makers, appeal for diagnostic feedback and actionable test results. Lack of diagnostic tests, or sufficient diagnosicity in reporting, has encouraged the use of diagnostic classification models (DCM...
Building validity evidence for the use of aggregate scores in accountability 2021 374 High stakes test-based accountability systems primarily rely on aggregates and derivatives of scores from tests that were originally developed to measure individual student mastery of content specifications. Current validity models do not explicitly ...
Classification consistency and results reporting of a digital-first computer-adaptive language proficiency test 2022 318 The emergence of digital-first assessments is prompting reconsideration of, and innovation in, aspects of psychometrics, test validation, and test use. Using the Duolingo English Test (DET) as an example, this three-paper series seeks to address issu...