Casey, Kathleen


There are 25 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Life Story of a Reluctant Leader (Identity Formation in Educational Leadership) 2007 2589 The purpose of this study is to offer insight into the life of one ordinary person whose leadership persona exhibits both reluctance and confidence in varying educational settings. By presenting this woman's life story, I show the influence that cult...
God-Talk and Kin-Talk in the Survival Epistemology of Liberian Refugee Women: A Radical Challenge for Social Work 2008 3548 The United States is once again experiencing an enormous influx of refugees and immigrants. This generates a number of challenges for the social work profession. Attention must be given to the differences between voluntary immigrants and traumatized ...
Experiences of African American Orphan Educators Once Called "Girls From That Colored Orphanage" 2008 4874 First-hand stories about the experiences of orphan African American educators who grew up in the child welfare system are nonexistent. Typically, stories about orphans exclude African Americans and focus on male, European Americans. In cases where Af...
Teaching as worship : pedagogy of the spirit in the narratives of Bahai educators 2007 4383 "By exploring the presence of Bahai religious principles and secular themes throughout their individual and collective narratives with emphasis on their religious principles, I offer some understanding of how their perception of their role as educato...
Guide our feet: teacher education and servant-leadership in a Children's defense fund freedom school 2010 3550 This qualitative narrative study presents the Children's Defense Fund Freedom School as an exemplar of an educational program with a model of spiritual education, which supports the preparation of pre-service teachers by nurturing an ethos of service...
Struggle for equality: experiences of African American public school principals during desegregation 2011 4456 The purpose of this study was to conduct research on the impact of desegregation, under the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Court case decision, on African American principals. My focus was to explore the life of African American princ...
"If you're coming out, what are you coming into?": queer educators theorize about teaching, living, and learning in the South 2011 3073 This study, using a narrative research methodology, focuses on how gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer educators in the South negotiate the complex intersections between their identities and their teaching. The central dilemmas on which this study f...
Lives, language, and leadership: english teachers as leaders 2011 1577 This study investigates the relationships among literature, educational leadership and teaching. A review of professional literature suggests that literature, leadership and teaching share the characteristics of meaning making, dialogue, artistic/aes...
Abstinence curriculum in black churches: a critical examination of the intersectionality of race, gender, and SES 2009 10050 Current sex education curriculum focuses on pregnancy and disease, but very little of the curriculum addresses the social, emotional, or moral elements. Christian churches have made strides over the last two decades to design an abstinence curriculum...
Parents Choosing Independent Education: Personal Advantage or a Moral Alternative 2007 2347 This study, Parents Choosing Independent Education: Personal Advantage or a Moral Alternative, is a narrative research project that presents the stories of 19 parents who have chosen independent (private) Quaker (Friends) education for their children...
But your mother was an activist: Black women's activism in North Carolina 2012 2573 Black women have had a long history of unrecognized community activism. This includes involvement in the freedom struggle as recorded by Naples (1998), Rodriguez (1998), Knupfer (2006) and Patricia Hill Collins (2000) and others. I review research on...
Freedom, imagination and grace: the life stories of rural women art educators from the foothills of North Carolina 2009 2756 This dissertation focuses on the narratives of four rural art educators of the Foothills of Western North Carolina. These women are the first art educators in this area in public education. They are often viewed as the invisible women in art who supp...
Narratives of female ROTC student-cadets in the postmodern university 2010 4776 This qualitative narrative study presents the interpreted experiences of seventeen female ROTC student-cadets enrolled in one of five traditional universities (as opposed to military institutions) located in the southeast U.S. I create a theoretical ...
My quest for meaning: wishes of adult women learners 2011 2007 This qualitative study uses narrative research to examine how adult women college students process their collegiate experiences. Often, colleges and universities create programs for adult learners without recognizing that this population is not a hom...
An African American woman's educational journey: pragmatic and pedagogical practices of fantasy 2012 2799 My dissertation is an autobiographical narrative about my journey through a non-pedagogical and oppressive school system, to an oppressive marriage, and back to a graduate program that, in my opinion, epitomizes the essence of pedagogy. I explain how...
Confites en el infierno: life stories of two Costa Rican families living in the United States and in Costa Rica 2011 3549 This dissertation examines the life stories of two Costa Rican families, including those members who migrated to the United States and those who remained in Costa Rica. My research challenges and enriches existing assumptions about immigrants, partic...
Stones of memory: narratives from a Black beach community 2013 4319 In North Carolina, beaches have been considered "white" territory. These spaces are beautiful, natural landscapes that can provide healing and restoration for many. Yet, when black people enter this space, the dominant (white) culture is somehow surp...
A hard kind of freedom: absurdity, choice, and responsibility in the writings of Harriet Jacobs and Toni Morrison 2013 5249 Through the use of African American literature, I imagine the particular black feminist existential dilemma of black mothers who lived in this country as slaves. This was a time in history in which a child who was born to an enslaved mother was also ...
Life stories that shaped advocacy in parents of children with disabilities 2012 2355 Parents of children with disabilities in public schools often do not advocate for their child and frequently lack the knowledge of how to advocate. There are, however, some parents who are successful advocates for their children. This study collected...
Anglophone West African women in the United States 2013 1840 This study examines how Anglophone West African women construct their identities in the United States. As women originating from countries where the majority of people are black and where they do not have "a black identity" in their consciousness, th...
"They made me mean" : students in the margins speak out against unfair school practices 1996 284 The purpose of this investigation was to amplify the "voices" of students in the margins to better understand their perceptions toward school and the relationships they have with the significant adults in their lives. Children and adolescents from th...
The call experiences of Baptist women in ministry 2017 1763 The purpose of this research was to explore ‘call’ experiences of Baptist women in ministry. The three research questions that guided the research where: (1) How do Baptist women experience a call to ministry? (2) How do Baptist women respond to a ca...
Transforming race, class, and gender relationships within the United Methodist Church through Wesleyan theology and Black Church interpretive traditions 2014 4229 In this dissertation, I analyze the historic and present social conditions of The United Methodist Church within the context of American culture. I also present strategies for reconciliation among estranged Black and White race groups, socioeconomic ...
Teaching towards the twenty-fourth century : the social curriculum of Star Trek in the schools 1994 745 My collection and analysis of Trekker teachers' narratives highlight the role of social "dialect" (Bakhtin, 1981), "collective subjective" (Gramsci, 1980), "general cultural repertoire" (Popular Memory Group, 1982), or "interpretive community" (Fish,...
Race, class, and family success stories : a study of two magnet programs in a southern elementary school 1996 292 The purpose of this study was to gain understanding about what causes children and their parents stress or anxiety and joy or pleasure in a school setting. This dissertation compares interpretations of schooling through narratives of fifth grade fore...