Title | Date | Views | Brief Description |
The effects of nicotine and methylphenidate on abnormal behaviors in reelin deficient mice: potential animal models for neurodevelopmental disorders. |
2009 |
2345 |
Behavioral abnormalities exhibited by reelin deficient mice may model behavioral deficit characteristics that are associated with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). To expand upon the beha... |
Some effects of chronic monocular paralysis in adult cats rapidly reversed by paralyzing the second eye |
1984 |
274 |
Disruptions in binocular stimulation induced by two or more weeks of monocular paralysis (ChMP), reduce the encounter rates for Xrelative to Y-type LGN cells (a reduction in the X/Y ratio) during semichronic recordings from adult cats. Less than four... |
Physiological and morphological effects of short and long term lid-suture on cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of cats |
1986 |
278 |
This study addresses three main issues which have clearly arisen from the literature and when answered, bear directly on the role of experience on neural development. In order to address these issues, 22 cats were reared with varying durations of lid... |
Early experience, binocular competition, and the sculpting of relay cell morphology in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus |
1992 |
348 |
Perturbations of early visual experience imposed by either monocular deprivation (MD) or artificially induced strabismus (squint) affect the morphological development of cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of cats. These morphological anoma... |
The effects of risperidone, an atypical antipsychotic, on the reeler mutant mouse, a potential model of schizophrenia |
2006 |
2551 |
"The reeler mutant mouse (rl/rl) has been proposed to be a behavioral model of schizophrenia. The purpose of the current research was to study the effects of the antipsychotic, risperidone, on the rl/rl, because if the rl/rl models schizophrenia, th... |
A single unit analysis of neural plasticity in adult cats : effects of monocular paralysis on the lateral geniculate nucleus |
1976 |
373 |
Loss of binocularity has been reported selectively in simple cortical cells following chronic monocular paralysis in adult cats. The nature of any analogous changes which may occur in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) may be predicted by t... |
The morphological effects of infant- and adult-onset monocular paralysis on cells in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus |
1984 |
353 |
This experiment has investigated the morphological effects of infant- and adult-onset monocular paralysis on cells in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). For comparison, normal adult cats were also studied. These conditions permitted an assessm... |
The effects of monocular paralysis and binocular eyelid suture on the electrophysiology of lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat |
1978 |
285 |
Single unit recording of cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of adult cats following monocular paralysis of two weeks duration has been reported to diminish the relative proportion of X-cells in this nucleus. This functional loss of LGN X-c... |
Retinal and nonretinal influences on the relative encounter rates for x and y cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the monocularly paralyzed cat |
1984 |
222 |
Brief periods of adult-onset monocular paralysis alter the physiology of the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus, reducing the encounter rate for X cells relative to that for Y cells. This effect of monocular paralysis is mediated by... |
The effect of cerebellar and collicular lesions on the relative encounter rates for x and y cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the monocularly paralyzed cat |
1989 |
251 |
Several converging lines of evidence suggest that the integration of binocular visual with binocular proprioceptive information takes place in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and it is very likely that such integration is necessary for normal bi... |