Harter, M. Russell


There are 16 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Visual event-related potentials to colored patterns and color names : attention to feature, dimension, and meaning 1983 296 The present study utilized visual event-related brain responses to investigate the nature of representation of colors and color names in the nervous system. It was hypothesized that the initial processing of sensory colors and linguistic stimuli occu...
The effects of intertarget-interval certainty and length on autonomic and cortical reactivity in type A and type B males 1983 411 The purpose of this study was to examine the psychophysiological effects of waiting and uncertainty in young Type A and Type B males. It was hypothesized that Type subjects would exhibit greater sympathetically medicated cardiovascular changes (as me...
Psychophysical performance, contingent negative variations, visually evoked cortical potentials, and selective attention : a behavioral and neurophysiological assessment of learning disabilities in children 1975 299 The present experiment was designed to assess whether any attentional, perceptual, or neurophysiological differences exist between children classified as reading disabled and normal. A visual discrimination task was employed, which required attention...
Young infants' binocular interaction : evoked potential measures 1978 450 The primary purpose of the dissertation was to determine the presence or absence of binocular interaction in young infants. The anaglyphic (color separation) method of splitting the visual field was employed to present a stimulus continuously to the ...
Visual pattern recognition in the cerebral hemispheres : the role of spatial filtering 1982 1256 The differences between the left and right cerebral hemispheres in terms of visual pattern recognition were examined in the context of the spatial filtering model of visual perception. On the basis of a wide range of evidence, it was hypothesized tha...
Aging and selective attention to location and color : visual event-related potentials 1988 273 Studies of selective attention in normally aging individuals using event related potential (ERP) and reaction time (RT) measures have suggested slowing and reduced selectivity with age, particularly when the location of the relevant stimulus is uncer...
Intra-modality selective attention to dioptically- and dichoptically-presented patterns and visual evoked responses in humans 1974 297 Human visual evoked responses (VERs) to randomly presented dioptic and dichoptic patterns were measured in an attempt to determine whether the similarity of patterns presented to the two eyes influences S's ability to attend to one eye. In addition, ...
Binocular interaction : fusion or suppression of the visually evoked potential to dichoptic stimulation 1972 229 In this study averaged visually evoked potentials were used to examine the nature of binocular processing of the visual system. Two different hypotheses have been proposed by earlier writers. The first assumed that the information from any one is sup...
Visually evoked responses and reaction times in man : effects of interocular and intraocular disparity 1974 286 Interocular and intraocular inhibitory effects on visually evoked responses (VERs) and reaction times (RTs) in man as a function of the degree of retinal disparity were studied. Evoked potentials were recorded with scalp electrodes located on the mid...
The binocular interaction of size and orientation channels : evoked potentials and observer sensitivity 1978 258 The interaction between spatial frequency and orientation feature processing was investigated in the human visual system. The psychophysical (d') and visual evoked potential (VEP) responses to test gratings flashed to one eye were investigated as a f...
Visual evoked cortical responses and selective dioptic masking with pattern flashes of different spatial frequencies 1973 276 Human cortical visually evoked responses (VERs) to pairs of stimuli presented in rapid succession were investigated in an attempt to assess the electrophysiological nature of temporal visual processing as a function of the spatial frequency of the st...
Relationship of visually evoked responses to patterning of stimuli and nature of perceptual discrimination, as a function of degree of dark adaptation 1974 138 The present study investigated the effects of stimulus- element size, dark-adaptation level, and the interaction of these variables on cortical evoked potentials and perceptual responses. Specifically, the study sought to define any systematic change...
Photic stimulation, selective attention, and averaged evoked responses in humans 1971 308 The present study was an attempt to investigate the differential effects of attention upon visually evoked cortical responses (VERs) when preparatory states and peripheral influences are reduced to a minimum. Four subjects were presented a random ser...
Variation in physiological and behavioral activity as reflected in changes in arousal level 1972 267 The purpose of the present study was to investigate heart rate, skin conductance, and reaction time as reflected in changes in arousal level in an effort to resolve some of the conflict between the various interpretations of the activation process. T...
Phase of alpha rhythm and visually evoked potentials 1971 380 The cortical excitability model proposed by Harter (1967) has, in part, been supported by findings in this experiment. The effects of alpha phase, flash intensity, and response task on visually evoked response amplitude, alpha blocking, and reaction ...
Event-related potentials and behavioral assessment : a 20 year follow-up of adults who were diagnosed as reading disabled in childhood 1987 253 The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to identify physiological correlates of reading disability in adults based on childhood studies by Harter et al. (in press); and (b) to identify physiological correlates of reading improvement from childhood...