Mendez Smith, Julia


There are 9 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Social competence and adaptive learning behaviors as predictors of school readiness 2015 1117 Preschool children can acquire language competencies through interactions with their peers as well as with their teachers. Indicators of children’s social competence in the peer group and indicators of children’s learning behaviors with their teacher...
Shyness and parental emotion socialization: impacts on the social competence of preschool children attending Head Start 2016 1554 Shyness in early childhood has been associated with less adaptive outcomes, including less social skill with peers, higher levels of peer rejection and poorer adjustment to formal schooling (Coplan, Prakash, O’Neil & Armer, 2004; Gazelle & Ladd, 2003...
Learning engagement across the transition to school: investigating the measurement of learning engagement and the effects of early emotion regulation 2018 546 Children’s engagement with learning is important as children enter school, as it facilitates both future learning engagement and academic success. Current measures of learning engagement focus on engagement within a classroom setting and be confounde...
Parental behaviors and child expressive language ability as predictors of peer social competence for young children with and without autism 2019 368 Children with autism experience deficits in social and communication skills compared to their typically developing peers. Quality parental behaviors during dyadic interactions and children’s expressive language ability could be important predictors o...
Child problem behavior and parent factors impacting parent engagement and children’s social competence during Head Start 2020 215 The impacts of poverty on parent and child functioning are far-reaching (Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 2000). Early childhood education programs have been developed to better support socioeconomically disadvantaged young children and their families, and ofte...
Links between maternal parenting characteristics and the development of preschool peer play competence 2011 2824 Peer play is a salient context for examining social competence in preschool children. Play experiences in preschool consisting of positive, prosocial and reciprocal exchanges between peers has been associated with positive adjustment throughout devel...
Psychological adjustment and well-being in recently arriving immigrant adolescents 2013 3783 The purpose of this short-term longitudinal study was to examine relations between trauma exposure, acculturative stress, school belonging, and internalizing symptoms in immigrant and refugee adolescents recently arriving into the United States. Part...
Patterns of physiological stress response and family climate of stress in children attending Head Start 2015 1015 The repeated activation of physiological stress systems in response to the chronic stress associated with poverty in early childhood signals environmental instability, leading to changes in patterns of physiological response that appear to prepare ch...
The development of immigrant-origin children’s social relationships 2023 93 With the growing rate of immigrants in the United States, there has been an increased need for research on immigrant-origin children’s experiences as it relates to their social development in the preschool context. For young children, emotion regulat...