White, Jacquelyn W.


There are 17 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
Relationships between drug use and male sexual aggression across time 2008 1423 The relationship between drug use and sexual aggression in a sample of men was examined at five time points from adolescence through the fourth year of college. Hierarchical Linear Modeling explored the relationship between proximal drug use and leve...
From Childhood Sexual Abuse to Adult Risky Sexual Behavior 2008 1743 This study attempted to establish that the depressive effect of childhood sexual abuse on self-esteem mediates the established relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adult abuse victims' engagement in risky sexual behavior. Overall self-este...
Alcohol and sexual assault : a longitudinal analysis 2006 1902 "This study used both cross-sectional and longitudinal methods to examine the role of situational drinking in the relationship between a woman's general drinking behaviors and her sexual experiences. Women's drinking behaviors and sexual experiences ...
The form and function of females' aggression 2006 1789 "Many researchers approach the study of aggression by searching for gender differences. The end result has depicted females as emotionally uncontrolled and irrational in their use of aggression. The present studies seek to disrupt this view by examin...
College females' decisions to stay or leave an abusive relationship: a test of the investment model 2011 6836 The study tested the investment model as a predictor of college women's likelihood of staying with or leaving a romantic partner. Physical and sexual abuse measures were used to determine the frequency of abuse in dating relationships. Specifically, ...
Consensual unwanted sex: motivations and reservations 2011 9366 Consensual unwanted sex (or sexual compliance) is the act of saying "yes" to sexual advances when there is no desire to engage in sexual activity. While previous research has extensively investigated desired sexual behavior and rape, less is known ab...
Relationship Between Adult Attachment Styles, Hostile Attribution Bias and Aggression. 2010 6700 The goal of this study was to provide a theoretical framework for integrating attachment style and hostile attribution concepts into a viable model that may help explain the use of aggression in intimate relationships. A review of the current literat...
The effects of the racial make-up of the college environment on the self-concepts of black college students 1985 234 The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree to which the self-concept scores of black college students are influenced by the racial make-up of their college environment and an experimental manipulation designed to vary the distinctiveness ...
University women's acknowledgement of rape : individual, interpersonal, and social factors 1995 277 This study examined predictors of university women's acknowledgement of rape experiences using an ecological framework. Of the 109 university women who reported experiences that met a legal definition of rape, 64% did not label the experience as rape...
Biased processing as a function of attitude accessibility : applications to sexual aggression 1995 276 The accessibility of rape-supportive attitudes was measured to examine differences in the strength of attitude relations among self-reported sexually aggressive men. Attitude-perception and attitude-behavior relations were hypothesized to be stronger...
An idiographic and nomothetic assessment of coping with daily stressors : issues of consistency and effectiveness 1986 250 This study describes an individual and group assessment of coping with daily stressors. Specific daily stressors, perceived and reported as stressful by subjects were examined in an attempt to better understand the relationship among stressful daily ...
Prototypes and diagnoses : effects of attribute centrality and attribute distinctiveness 1987 268 The prototype approach has developed as an alternative to the classical approach to psychiatric diagnosis. This approach has been used to explain low reliability in diagnostic judgment. The research utilizing this approach has demonstrated that diagn...
Anger following provocation in individuals with psychopathic characteristics 1996 325 Theoretical views of psychopaths' anger generally fall into one of two categories: the deficient/attenuated-anger hypothesis or the adequate/heightened-anger hypothesis. This study tested divergent predictions of these two hypotheses in a group of in...
The company they keep: how social networks influence male sexual aggression 2011 2932 The goal of the present study was to add to the existing knowledge concerning predictors of sexually coercive behaviors. After replicating an existing model that details individual-level factors predicting sexual coercion, an alternative model incorp...
Schema-as-knowledge and schema-as-importance effects on children's memory and organization of gender relevant materials 1988 305 Recall and recognition of gender relevant stimuli were assessed following a sorting task on which 83 four- to eight-year-olds sorted three sets of four line drawings apiece. Each set contained two stereotyped line drawings (i.e. male actor - masculin...
Something to talk about: An examination of predictors of immediate versus delayed sexual assault disclosure 2011 1620 Despite the consistent findings on the rates of sexual assault among young women--with nearly 50% experiencing at least one unwanted sexual experience in their lifetime--there are a small number of supportive sources where sexual assault survivors ca...
Heterosocial cues and perceptions of sexual intentions : effects of sexual connotativeness, verbal refusal, and rape outcome 1990 249 This study was designed to examine the extent to which men's and women's perceptions of consent by a woman to sexual intercourse are determined by the additive and interactive effects of the woman's verbal statements and nonverbal behaviors, the degr...