Drollette, Eric


There are 3 item/s.

TitleDateViewsBrief Description
No change in brain function or cognition following acute exercise in young adults with compared to those without a history of sport-related concussion : an ERP investigation 2022 112 Background: Sport-related concussions continue to impact more than one million US children under 18 years of age annually. Amongst these injuries, long-term cognitive and behavioral consequences are evident in approximately one-third of emerging adul...
Cognitive control and affect before and after physical activity in a real-world environment for young adults at risk and not at risk for ADHD 2021 231 A single bout of physical activity has shown positive effects on cognitive control and affect in young adults. However, individuals at risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) demonstrate cognitive control deficits and emotional dysre...
“Think about us” : addressing racial biases in current EEG cap design 2024 113 Background: Professionals in the health sciences strive to enhance health outcomes, however, the design of certain medical and scientific technologies, such as electroencephalography (EEG) systems, illustrates how racial disparities limit the general...